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samedi 16 août 2014

Finding The Best Finch Seed Mix

By Dora Reed

There is nothing so much fun as being surrounded by happy little birds in or around your home. The hobby of feeding wild birds or raising them as household pets has become very popular in America. Many home owners have built structures adjoining or within their homes designed to mimic the habitat of the birds they keep. One of the most popular birds found in these aviaries is the finch because they adapt so well to captivity and have a fairly long lifespan. Having the proper type of finch seed mix is important for sustaining the population of the aviary.

Although they do consume some insects in the wild most of their diet consists of seeds, berries and vegetation. The content of their diet also changes with the seasons and with the natural stages they pass through such as molting and breeding seasons each year. When conditions allow it is a good idea to put live growing foliage in or surrounding their living spaces.

Some birders like to build their own feed for their birds. There are many different recipes available on line and most contain both soft and crumbly ingredients. They also include vitamins and other supplements that help maintain the health of the birds year round. Some of these recipes involve numerous steps for preparation and this leads to the purchase of premixed commercial brands that are available.

Commercial mixes contain all the nutrients needed for good health in the birds but many of them do not allow for the seasonal and physical changes that occur during the year. Some contain all the best ingredients available and are recommended for year round use. This can cause problems because it provides nutrient levels at the highest activity level year round. Finches require lower levels of some supplements during the periods of rest after molting and breeding.

Resting periods occur after the birds have bred and raised their off spring and again after molting. During these times they do not need as much crude fat, protein and fiber. When they have too much they can get too heavy and that is very unhealthy for them. During resting periods they do very well on canary grass seeds, and two types of millet that are lower in high content proteins and fats.

Finches need the highest level of nutrients during the time they are breeding and afterwards while they molt. Molting is when they lose feathers and replace them with new ones. When they are feeding their nestlings they use a lot of energy. High protein blends containing Niger seed, saffron, poppy and sesame seeds are essential during this time. Most breeders add supplements and vitamins to this blend of food.

Most people also add vitamins to the water supply they give their birds. Calcium and sulfur containing amino acids are important to help with bone development for the parents and the nestlings and feather production during the molting stages.

Whether you enjoy feeding wild finches or keep them in your home for pets having the proper mixture of ingredients in their feeders can only increase the pleasure you get from their presence. These colorful little birds bring hours of enjoyment with their activity and the songs they provide when happy and healthy.

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