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mardi 9 juin 2015

When Searching For A Siberian Kittens GA Offers The Best Place

By Elaine Guthrie

Individuals who contemplate buying cat pet normally do not know what breed to choose from the various varieties. This piece of writing tries to clarify some of the good traits that a Siberian kitten possesses and why it is the best. When in search for Siberian kittens GA is the best location to launch the hunt from. Bearing in mind the significance attached to a pet it is advisable to end up with the best ever.

There is enough evidence showing that these domestic cats have been around for a long time and are believed to have originated from Russia. Adult coats start growing during winter after the first birthday. The beautiful ruff covering their necks giving them the lion like appearance also start growing at that time. Their tails are covered in thick fur. They have undercoats that grow thicker during cold weather.

The paw pads have tufts of hair in between them. They have brushes of fur growing out of their ears and this contributes to the wild look. The ears range from medium to large and are positioned on the top of the head. The ear tips are rounded and tilt forward. The ears are widely spread, although there may be slight variations.

Siberians are landrace variety of domesticated felines. Some people refer to them as Moscow semi-longhair. Moscow semi-hair is a big breed that grows rather slowly. It is thought to take 5 years to mature. Siberian litters have 3 coats with semi-long hairs. Two of the coats include a closely set undercoat and heavy outer hairs. The outer hairs or guard coats gives them the water resistant characteristic.

The heads are medium sized. They normally have surging cheeks with very powerful cheekbones. A perfectly rounded chin matches its head. These cats have large, almost oval and broadly spread eyes. The eye color must be uniform and may be green, amber or other colors. Most individuals like green eyed kittens, although they are rare.

This breed ranges in sizes from large to medium. They are sturdy and strong felines. Males are obviously larger than females like in most species. Males have a weight variation of seventeen to twenty six pounds while females range from 17 to 13 pounds. They have a long kittenhood with most growth experienced between birth and eighteen months. They have a lifespan of between 11 to 15 years.

The affectionate and loyal nature of these cats give them great personality. Litters are affectionate to both pets and humans. They are full of play and love toys. They equally love interacting with humans by engaging them in games. A litter will want to be engaged in every activity. Some kittens are lap lovers whereas some sit next to their owners other than laps.

To conclude, this is the best breed of cat to go for. It is highly active, curious, and learns quickly. Siberian cats suffer from a fatal genetically transmitted heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. To be sure that the kitten your are buying is safe ask the breeder if its parents were examined and scanned of this condition. This will help you make an informed decision.

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