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mardi 30 juin 2015

Important Things To Know About Siberian Kittens For Sale Ga

By Francis Riggs

You may be in the market now in terms of looking for a new pet to keep you company at home. In fact your mind have been titillated when you saw that Siberian kittens for sale Ga sign today. You may have already decided on buying the breed before committing to a purchase. This article will cover some more important information on what you need to know about this feline before you do buy on in Atlanta, GA.

The thing to know first about this breed is its origin. Its bloodline stems from the feline family originating from the Taiga forest region. They are forest cats and are also known as the Moscow Semi Longhairs, having long fluffy coats to protect them from sub arctic conditions. They are primarily bred for their hunting abilities and will keep mice and rats at bay in your home.

For those who do not know how anything about this breed, this is one which matures slowly. Thus many say that these cats seem to stay young forever. It can sometimes take up to five years for it to reach full physical maturity. In line with this maturation in physical terms, it can also be said for its development of an even temperament. A development of an even temperament can also likewise reach five years.

Many attest to this breed as having a great and friendly personality. They are known to be like dogs in terms of always following their owners around. Likewise they love to be part of any activity that is happening when they are around. Apart from ordinary purring, they are also known to trill and chirp from time to time. Interestingly it is also one of the few cat breeds that are comfortable around water.

In term of health complications, this breed generally suffer from congenital type complications, which involve the heart and kidneys. However, such complications are more the exception rather than the rule. What is important is that the breed must be kept within certain weight limits as it is a breed that loves to eat. In general however, this is a robust feline to have and will not give you any medical related problems.

The Siberian has thick fur and thus lead many to believe that it is difficult to groom them. In fact the opposite is true as the fur is resistant to both matting and tangling. The fur I also resistant to water, so it can pose a big challenge to regular shampooing.

The popularity of the Siberian lies in the fact that many believe that their fur is hypoallergenic. The fur is not totally hypoallergenic in all cases and allergies can still be had. It is advisable for a future owner to give a trial live in period with the feline of at least one month to observe if any allergies will develop or occur.

All in all if you are intent on getting this breed as a possible new pet and companion, then do get one from a reputable breeder or dealer. Other cat breeds like the Maine Coon or the Norwegian Forest Cat can be passed off as Siberian cats. Thus you should be vigilant in looking for an authentic breed once you decide on getting one

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