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dimanche 28 juin 2015

Things To Know Before Buying Siberian Kittens Ga

By Francis Riggs

Right now you are probably in the market for a cat as a pet. Whether you are a new owner or an old experienced one, you may have thought of buying or getting a kitten from a Siberian Kittens Ga breeder right here in Atlanta, GA. If you are really intent on doing so, then do read on in this article for some pertinent and useful information.

The Siberian is also named the Moscow Semi Longhair by cat aficionados. Originating from the Taiga forest belt in the sub arctic regions, the Siberian is an exceptional hunter. This breed is a great mouse and rat catcher apart from its apparent furry good looks.

This breed has an uncanny knack for being seen as youthful. This is because it takes them up to five years to mature both physically and mentally. No doubt you will always have a full grown kitten around for the most part, or for five years at least.

This breed acts like a dog according to many observers and owners. In fact it likes to follow its owners around wherever they go and wants to be a part of every activity. Apart from purring, it also trills and chirps when it is pleased. Baths should not pose any problem as they love to be near or around water.

For those who are seriously contemplating in acquiring this feline, it will be good to know a few health facts also. This breed loves to eat so its intake must be curtailed or controlled. It is also a very robust and resilient line so not much is expected in terms of health complications. When they do get sick, it is usually heart or kidney related, but this is a fairly rare occurrence. As with all pets, proper care and regular check ups with the vet will be required.

One of the crowning features of this cat is due to its thick and luxurious coat, which during winter actually becomes thicker. To the uninitiated cat owner or would be Siberian owner, it would seem that it would be a difficult chore to maintain and groom such a coat. Surprisingly enough the Siberian is easy to groom as its fur is highly resistant to tangling or matting. It only takes regular brushing, at least once a week to keep it looking neat and tidy. The challenge arises if you need to shampoo the Siberian, as its fur is also highly water resistant.

The properties of Siberian cat fur as being hypoallergenic is a selling point many adhere to. It is true up to a certain level, but the fur can only be considered as a fur that is least likely to cause allergies. It is not 100 percent allergy free. Thus it is still wise for a future owner to have a trial one month period. In this period he or she should observe if any allergies become apparent.

By now you may already be convinced that the Siberian is the best companion for you after all. Your next step therefore will be to find a reputable breeder or dealer for this kind of feline. But how to go about that will be the subject of another article.

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