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dimanche 14 juin 2015

What Buyers Should Know About Minature Donkeys For Sale

By April Briggs

Native to the Mediterranean region, miniature donkeys have become sought after additions to many North American farms and petting zoos for about the past fifty years. When it comes to looking for minature donkeys for sale, the buyer needs to first determine whether the animal is being purchased for show, breeding, or simply as a loving family pet, since this can affect one's preference for size, color, sex, and also the price for which it is sold.

If buying a miniature donkey for the first time, one must find out what the needs and care of these animals are, and begin searching for some reputable breeders in the area. It may be necessary to visit several farms and compare the animals. Any dedicated breeder will also be more than happy to act as an ongoing source of support and information to all who have purchased donkeys from them.

Some of the basic terminology used to distinguish a donkey by its age or sex include the following. A jennet or "jenny" is a female, a jack is an intact male capable of breeding, and a gelding is a male which has been castrated. Foals are babies from birth to weaning age, weanlings are young animals which no longer nurse from their mothers, and yearlings are donkeys between one and two years of age.

Females can breed as young as three years old and typically carry their foals for 11 to 13 months, and wean around 4 to 6 months. As adults, the average height range is 32 to 34 inches, and they normally weigh 250-350 pounds. Colors may be gray, brown, black, red, spotted or frosted. With proper care they can live 25 or 35 years.

Miniature donkeys are not house pets, they need sufficient pasture space outdoors to run around and exercise and they will also require shelter from the elements in the form of three-sided building or small barn. Whenever possible, they should be adopted with a sibling or other donkey since they are very social animals and do not like solitude.

If the main reason for adopting a donkey is as a pet, buyers have a wider selection of prospects as they likely care more about the animal's disposition than its size or color. A pair of geldings are the most affordable option, but some may prefer two jennets, two jacks, or one of each. In the future, unless breeding, it's best to have a jack gelded, or their hormones can make them restless.

The main diet of a donkey is grass, which they naturally graze on in pasture, however one may also feed them some hay or grain, in particular in young animals or pregnant females. Obesity must be avoided as this can have a detrimental effect on the donkey's health. They must also have access to a water dispenser at all times, and a mineral salt and Selenium block are recommended as well.

Regular veterinary care includes annual vaccinations, worming treatments, and sometimes a Selenium booster. Deficiencies of Selenium can cause fertility issues in donkeys and affect the health of unborn foals, so it is critical that it be addressed. It's also necessary to get a farrier to trim the donkey's hooves several times per year.

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