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dimanche 21 juin 2015

Seek A Reliable Purebred Cavachon Dog Breeder

By Freida Michael

People find themselves attracted to particular canine breeds for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes it is physical factors like appearance, capabilities and coat style, and at others it is things like generally known personality traits or specific skills and talents. To find out more information in the Minneapolis, MN area, a purebred Cavachon dog breeder may be able to help a person decide if this kind of pup is a viable option.

Considered a designer breed, they are actually a cross between the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise. They take on the best physical characteristics and personality traits of each to become one very desirable type of canine. It is important to note, however, that the AKC will not recognize them as eligible for show or for validating papers, so if that is one's intention, this may not be the proper pet option.

A lot of people find themselves attracted to the physical appearance of the animal before knowing anything more. Their contributing breeds are quite well known for being irresistibly cute and extremely attractive. They are wonderful for apartment or limited space living as they rarely exceed twenty pounds or grow larger than sixteen inches high.

The fur on these animals may come in either of two distinct styles. It may resemble the Spaniel side of the family with silky smooth waves that hang long and loose and require routine brushing to limit matting and tangling. The other type is the Bichon's short, soft curls which can get a bit bushy if not professionally clipped three to four times a year.

Regardless of which style the fur takes, it will have the same low dander quality that makes this breed a favorite among those pet owners who suffer from allergies. Their coloring generally consists of varying mixtures of white, black, sable and red like their Spaniel side, or they may have solid hued coats like those of the Bichons. The texture, length and tones can come in any combination, even within the same litter.

Their muzzles tend to be somewhat shortened and are set below two very large and exceptionally animated and expressive eyes. The body type of this breed is very sporty with a sturdy frame and stocky stature. This proves to be quite beneficial to their rather active lifestyles and makes them more capable of handling the rough housing that often accompanies families with children or multiple pets.

Personality is something Cavachons are not the least bit lacking. They tend to be incredibly social, genuinely cheerful, responsive, playful, loving and affectionate, and in possession of a very high degree of intelligence. Being as they generally tend to be extremely family oriented, loyalty is abundant, as is their patience and gentleness with children in general.

Perhaps the biggest challenge with this breed is house breaking and obedience training as they can be quite strong willed. It is generally recommended that socialization begin as early as possible and that the crate method be utilized during behavior modification. They respond best to patient consistency and firmness tempered with fairness.

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