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vendredi 26 juin 2015

Find The Very Best TICA Ragdoll Breeders

By Ruthie Calderon

Nearly every home has some or other pet. Many can be exotic such as snakes, monkeys, spiders and even bearded dragon. Many however prefer to have those that enjoy a cuddle such as dogs and cats. At TICA Ragdoll breeders one will be able to find a beautiful and placid cat just waiting to receive a cuddle. This breed of cat is larger and tends to have a muscular and firm body as well as having large bones. Their legs are also slightly longer than the normal breed and the males have been known to reach as much as twenty five pounds in weight. The females are slightly lighter and reach about twenty pounds. They do however take longer than normal to reach their true size which is around three years.

When adopting a kitten they suggest that one should always handle them to ensure that they have good muscle tone as well as a clean coat and bright clear eyes. They should not sniff or sneeze and there should also be no discharge coming from its ears and eyes. There should be no dry flaky skin or bald patches and always check behind its ears and on its lower back for flea dirt. This will be recognised by what looks like black sand.

They tend to be more relaxed then other felines and love to be picked up and cuddled. They will follow their owners all around and also tend to be very vocal. They do not have a problem living in a home with other felines and will also be very social where dogs are concerned. Children love them just as much as they love children and if they are given attention they will remain very content.

Deciding on a breed of cat can take time as each breed will differ when it comes to grooming as well as special needs. When finding a breeder they must be able to guarantee that the cat or kitten is in good health and is free of the Feline Leukaemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. Once the animal has been adopted and taken home it should be taken to one's own vet for a thorough examination.

Anyone who has had a cat will notice that they love to roll around on the grass or carpet and then expose their belly. This is them showing that they are not afraid and feel confident around a human and in some cases other animals as well. This is another display of affection for those that are in their proximity.

The undercoat is there to regulate the body temperature and there are multiple hairs coming from one follicle. Just like humans some of the hair will eventually die and fall away which results in them shedding. Grooming of this breed should be done on a regular base and as often as every week with a steel comb to help prevent tangles appearing.

The most popular reason that people do not like to have cats is because they will begin to scratch the furniture or carpets but this is natural to them and a way of leaving a mark of ownership. This is instinct and even if their nails are surgically removed it will not stop them scratching. They scratch because of physical, emotional and social reasons.

There is no time limit and can take as long as one likes. One is also able to take the tests at different times, one at a time or more depending on the time that is available to them. Four exams will be written and the passing grade is over eighty five percent. If one is interested in becoming a Certifier for the PCGAA a passing grade of ninety seven percent is required.

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