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samedi 20 juin 2015

Learning From Dog Obedience Trainers In Boulder CO

By Elaine Guthrie

Dogs are basically very easy to train as they are very intelligent and are generally domesticated. However, one has to take note that even if dogs are domesticated, they may actually go out of control if one does not know how to train them properly. Now if one is having a hard time training his pet, then what he can do is call in one of those dog obedience trainers in Boulder CO to help him.

Now do take note that dogs, if trained properly, will be able to take any command given to them by their masters. However, it is not so simple to train a dog because dogs cannot speak the same language as humans. It is because of this that there has to be some specific techniques applied.

Now the very first thing that the trainer would teach people would be how dogs perceive sounds. This is very important because animals obviously cannot speak English or any other language for that manner. This means that they will respond to the tone of the voice of their master to know if he is angry or happy.

So with this, it is very important to use the tone of voice to condition them to know when one is angry. Trainers would teach their clients how to use the tone of voice in order to tell the canine that they are angry or happy. The clients would actually learn how to properly scold the dog without scaring him or making him more hostile.

Other than the tone of voice, it is very important to make sure that non verbal communication is consistent with the non verbal. Now dogs are actually quite perceptive and can judge whether a human is angry or happy based on non verbal communication. So in order to make a canine listen, one has to make a domineering pose which will make his pet obey.

Now strict discipline can be used in order to train the dog properly. If a canine would do something wrong, it is actually effective if the owner would lightly slap the mouth of the canine so that he will know that he did something wrong. So the next time he will want to do something wrong, he will actually think twice because he knows his owner will get angry.

Now punishment is not the only way to deal with them as an iron fist will only make them have pent up aggression. So balance punishment with positive reinforcement like rewards. For example, if a canine would listen to the commands of his master, his master can give him a treat like a cookie so that the dog will at least be happy.

Now of course there are many more techniques that these trainers will be trying on the dogs. Now in Longmount CO, there are actually a lot of these experts who would help out clients for a fee. They would first condition and discipline the dogs and then would teach the masters how to handle their dogs after that.

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