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jeudi 11 juin 2015

Visit A Quality Cavachon Dog Breeder

By April Briggs

Before buying a puppy of any type, it is always a good idea to do a bit of research to determine if the desired breed is suitable for one's lifestyle. Consideration should be about all aspects of the canine's needs and not just about their looks. Should one decide a cute designer pup is the answer, it is time to visit a quality Cavachon dog breeder in Minneapolis, MN to pick a companion.

Although this breed is not recognized by the AKC since the pups are not purebred, they are highly desired by many. They are a combination of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise. At no more than twenty pounds and sixteen inches high at most, they fall comfortably into the small to mid range category.

The breed has several different coat coloration variations possible. Generally, they come in standard white fur with stark sable, red or black splotches in random places on their bodies. It is also possible that they could be born wearing a solid hue all over or may have blotches of three to four colors all mixed together in an effect similar to tortoise shell.

One of the major characteristics that make this breed quite popular is no so much the color of their coat, but its special quality. They may appear either long, with silken waves, or as short, loose curls. Regardless of style, they are great for those who suffer from allergies as there is little to no shedding and practically non existent dander production.

Most people are initially drawn to these pups because of their appearance. Their small size is complemented by a sturdy build that gives these active animals strength and perfectly showcases their beautiful coats. This cute body style is made even more irresistible by the expressive and large eyes typical to these lovable little fur babies.

As a general rule, these canines are very family oriented but require lots of attention and may not do so well if ignored or left on their own for long times. Their anxiety might get the best of them, resulting in bad or destructive behavior. This can usually be avoided if there is another pet in the home or if the radio or television are left on talking stations so the animals can hear voices.

Possessing high intelligence and very social tendencies, these canines may bark around strangers and odd sounds as a way of protecting their family, but they are generally not aggressive at all. The tendency is to be very energetic and playful, being happy and responsive in interactions with others. Good with kids as a whole, they are best with those who are older or have been taught not to pull fur or hit.

There are no major health concerns with this breed, though regular checkups, dental hygiene, ear maintenance and flea control are important. Grooming frequency is going to depend on which type of coat the pup has with the long haired pups needing daily brushing and the short curls getting professional trimmings a few times a year. Because they tend to be strong willed, house and obedience training may require patience and consistency paired with both firmness and fairness.

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