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samedi 31 janvier 2015

Which Is The Most Popular Dog Cone Alternative?

By Ines Flores

A visit to the vet is a familiar visit that is made by every pet owner. In the case of a physical injuries or a wound, the vet's treats pet and find ways to prevent it from interfering with the wound or the skin in case of an irritation. The solution that vets provide does not always go well with the dog. The plastic Elizabethan neckline is something no pet owner would want to buy even if it was what the vet suggested. The good news is that the pet owner does not have to feel limited, there are is a dog cone alternative that guarantee to keep the pet calm and happier.

Unlike the plastic cones, the other alternatives are much softer, lightweight, and ensure that the dog remains happy in the process of healing. The first of these is the Soft-E Fabric Elizabethan Collar Size. This is described as the most humane way of preventing the dog from aggravating its injury. These collars are cone-shaped and are made from a material that is very soft and comfortable. The material is also lightweight, water resistant, non-allergic, and non-toxic which are necessary to promote faster healing. It is also strong enough to resist biting and clawing.

It prevents the dog from interfering with the wound in a humane way. Its cone shape and soft, comfortable material guarantees to win the dog's liking. Other factors like water resistance capability and allergy properties are also considered. Lastly, it is not toxic to the pet, very lightweight, yet hard enough to resist bites and claws.

The second popular brand is the All Four Black Comfy Cone. A nylon fabric gets laminated to a soft foam so that the resultant product is not just soft but also sturdy and protective enough. Elastic loops are then used to thread it through pet's collar so that the collar is very secure in the position preventing it from falling off.

ProCollar Premium Protective Collar is the other common option that usually used. It is known for its inflatable inner bladder make of a plastic vinyl. This vinyl gets inflated in using the air valve that is a two-way way. On inflation, the thickness and the size both serve the purpose of a soft deterrent.

As though these are not enough, there is also the BooBooLoon Inflatable Protective Pet Recovery Collar that forms a very soft and flexible cushion around the neck of the pet. This ensures that it does not further harm injuries, surgical wounds or the skin disorders that might be irritating. It is very easy to use, allowing the pet to continue with its normal activities like sleeping, eating, drinking and playing.

The BooBooLoon Inflatable Protective Pet Recovery Collar is also very popular in the market. It forms flexible cushion that is also soft on pet's neck. The purpose it to prevent dog from reaching the wounds so that it does not further aggregate the healing wound or harm the injuries further. It also prevents the pet from constantly rubbing the irritating parts of the skin, but still allow it to play, eat, and sleep as normal.

The alternatives, that the vet may give, are not the perfect solution and the dog is bound to dislike it. The Elizabethan collar, for instance, is normally very heavy, stiff, and opaque. They are also wide, unwieldy and very uncomfortable. However, there are several options that can work better and keep the pet very happy without doing any other harm to the healing wound or fresh injuries. They are not necessarily expensive and are easy to find from online shops.

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