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jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Tips For Australian Labradoodle Therapy Dogs Health And Safety

By Janine Hughes

Every person wants to keep healthy and safe. That is only natural since it is quite expensive to get sick these days. Even with their pets, they have to make sure that no one gets sick. Otherwise, they will have to pay a lot, especially with the veterinarian's fees. It is quite expensive to pay for the pet care you need for your Australian labradoodle therapy dogs.

It is only natural for the human companion to have an idea on how to keep the animal safe and healthy. In this case, there are tips that one should take note of. These are the tips that are easy for you to take advantage of. Here are a few tips that the human companion can take advantage of for the sake of their animal.

First, it is important to keep the dog's paws clean. You got to do this before and after every visit you go to the vet. Not only your dog's paws, your hands should be cleaned too. This is the first line of defense to keep safe and healthy. You can prevent cross-contamination of your room if you remember this tip.

You should not just wipe your pet down when you visit the pet clinic. There are other facilities that you might need to visit which requires you to wipe your pet down before and after every visit. These facilities might be the hospital or the nursing care home. You need to wipe their full body or bathe them.

Not only the body of the dog, you will also have to pay attention to the costumes or clothing that the dog wore. If the said dog wore something to a certain facility that will require you to sanitize them, then you better do so. You have to do it right after you have visited that facility to avoid the germs and illness causing bacteria.

Be aware of where your pet walks, especially if your pet is visiting a hospital or a facility with a nursing home setting. You have to be sure that they do not roll around too much in there. There might be some unknown fluids on the floor that can contaminate the pet and bring some disease.

Not only body fluids, you have to watch out if there are medications spilled or dropped on the floor. The pets must be taken away from there or you have to make sure that these spilled or dropped medication are out of their reach. It can be harmful for them if they accidentally licked these meds not meant for them.

You and your dog should stay away from any areas that are classified for isolation or quarantined. If you are not aware of whether the area is quarantined or not, you have to ask the staff about it. You should also know how the facility marks these off limit areas. Be sure to apply proper caution before you roam around.

You might feel uncomfortable in the area or you might see some signs in your dog that it is feeling uncomfortable. If this is the case, then that is the right time to end the visit. You have to read your own signs and your dog's signs for stress.

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