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vendredi 16 janvier 2015

The Art Of Dog Happiness

By Garrett McMahan

We often think of cats when we think of the bad tempered and unhappy animals and not dogs because they are the contented creatures by nature. To keep your dog always the happiest furry animal in your place, the following are some tips for this, and this is to ensure that your dog is happy always.

1. Dog Training Makes Life Easier

Dogs usually would prefer staying near you and even 24 hours a day or seven days a week, if given this chance. Dogs usually do not want being alone, thus bring your dog along with you, if this is possible. There can be some places where dogs are not allowed, but a reason why people leave their dog behind is because of the bad behavior usually exhibited by your dog. Thus, if you want to bring your dog along to many places, invest in dog training DVDs.

You can teach your dog various skills like dog leash training, training him not to jump on people, training to stop barking on command, sitting and staying training and also many other skills and this is obedience training DVDs for your dogs. You will have the much safer dog and one that is well behaved to bring along anywhere, and this is after completing the dog training.

2. Don't Forget Exercise & Play Time

Dogs need good levels of exercises and they also enjoy playing time, which can be daily. Every dog breed and also individual dogs usually have different energy levels. There are dogs who are contented with just daily walks or some play fetching rounds while others enjoy long walks or play sports like dog agility or some Frisbee plays. There are also dogs that enjoy games like tug games or play hide and seek. You need to provide them some play time and physical activities so that they will not get bored. Bored dogs usually get tense and can become destructive, especially if you have the dogs with very high energy levels.

3. Groomer Makes Pets Look & Feel Better

The grooming given to you dog can seem like being a hard task, but it is also very important because a well groomed dog can become more comfortable. Dogs need a bath which can be once a month and you can even have this more if they are always playing outside. Consult your vet and ask for the best shampoo to apply to your dog. Dogs love to be brushed and this can be done several times a week, to keep their coats shiny and this can also release them from tangled hairs. Dogs enjoy being brushed and this can also be a good bonding time for the two of you. You may also want to trim your dog's toenails and you also want to learn how to care and also clean the ears of your dog.

4. Schedule Those Vet Visits

A yearly physical checkup is needed, although it has to be noted also that your dogs need up-to-date vaccine shots. Your dog's overall health will be assessed and also will probably take some blood samples for checkup, and this is done during your visit to your veterinarian. For older dogs, the tests are important to look for signs of potential health issues, and this is how a blood test is important. A teeth cleaning schedule can also be done once a year or twice if this is needed, and this is when the visit is done.

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