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lundi 26 janvier 2015

How To Select The Right Company For Dog Boarding Lexington

By Janine Hughes

If you are looking for a dog boarding facility, it is advisable to go for a reputable company. A little legwork is needed in order to settle on the most reliable service provider. Do not make the mistake of picking the first company that you come across during your search. When scouting for the most reputable company for dog boarding Lexington residents may look locally or online.

What you should understand is that the market is full of these services. This means that choosing the best may not be that easy. It is therefore good to do your homework very well before settling on any service provider out there. Outlined in this article are tips on how to select the right dog boarding facility in Lexington.

First, you need to consider the distance between your home and the facility. In real sense, it is good to find a facility that is close to your home. This is because a nearby center one can monitor the progress of his pet. Also, you do not want a place where you have to travel long distance to go and pick your canine. So, favor companies that are near your residential area.

Secondly, you need to go for a well-reputed pet care center. It is your mandate to do a thorough research to know the most reputable pet boarding facilities within your area. Ask around to know which facilities your neighbors, friends or family members use. If you make a lot of inquiries, you will be in a position to make an informed decision.

Again, you should inquire to know how dogs are treated at your preferred center. Avoid those facilities whereby dogs are highly neglected. Before you make that vital decision of hiring, take a tour to the place. Talk to workers there to know how they carry out their operations. More importantly, find out whether they have a veterinary officer to look after the health of dogs.

Look around to know the cleanliness and tidiness of the place you are considering. It is obvious that you want a place whereby high standards of cleanliness are observed. Ask to know whether the dog kennels are regularly cleaned. Also, investigate to know if there is any smell coming out of the kennels. If the place is not generally clean, consider looking elsewhere.

On security issues, make sure the place is well fenced. Remember that dogs may find their way out of the compound if a good fence is not erected round. So, ensure that dogs cannot get out of the compound unless they are being accompanies by dog walkers. If dogs are allowed to play in groups, make sure they are supervised well to avoid unnecessary injuries.

Make sure you are leaving your dog under professional care. This is good because dogs need to be handled well just like human children. Thus, you must ensure that the staff members are highly trained. They must have been trained on animal behavior. You may confirm this by asking to see their qualification certificates before making your final judgment.

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