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dimanche 18 janvier 2015

The Typical Illnesses For Dogs, Wobblers Included

By Robin Setser

Being a dog owner means, amongst other things, that you must be wary of how your pet acts. If there is something off about their behavior, that you haven't recognized before, it's very likely that there is something amiss. What are some of the most common ailments that are observed in canines, you may wonder? Along with Wobblers, here are just a few of the names you should consider if you want to keep your dog as healthy as possible.

Speaking of Wobblers, you may be curious as to what this condition entails. On the surface, you will see that your dog will walk with a gait, almost like he or she is having difficulty keeping their posture one would normally associate with this animal. It also entails discomfort or even tremendous pain, which is another reason why it's important to consult a medical specialist. This is the greatest solution that can be drawn to your attention by companies like Assisi Animal Health.

Another ailment, associated with dogs, is what's known as tapeworm infection. It's also a relatively common sense of discomfort in these animals, which can lead to future signs of discomfort like rough coats of fur and a lack of appetite. If you believe that your dog has this condition, much like the aforementioned Wobblers, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. This is where a certain type of medication, designed for your dog's long-term health, may be prescribed.

Ear infections are also quite prevalent in dogs, though the sources of these will vary from one case to the next. Anything from mites to mangy fur can play into this condition, either spurring it on or worsening it over the course of time. Maybe your dog is finding him or herself touching their ears more often than normal, as if there is an issue that has to be addressed. Going to your veterinarian and seeing what this is all about is easily the best course of action.

Fleas, while perhaps not as serious as the previously mentioned ailments, should be focused on all the same. As you can probably imagine, fleas can multiply over the course of time, which not only results in more scratching but a sense of blood loss as well. Solutions, to this problem, exist and there are quite a few you would be wise to focus on. Make it a point to look into shampoo options, designed for the reduction of fleas, and watch as this problem becomes less of a hindrance over time.

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