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vendredi 23 janvier 2015

Only Buy From Reputable Breeders Who Offer Blue Bullies For Sale

By Janine Hughes

In today's life, you need a watchdog to keep intruders out of your property. You will find that it can be difficult to get the right kind of dog. You should look for blue bullies for sale.

When you want to buy a dog, there are a couple of things that you need to remember and to look at especially when you want to buy this kind of breed. This breed is a new breed in the dog world. They used pit-bull dogs and bulldogs to breed this breed.

They will use these two breed to make the one breed. This special breed will have physical characteristics of each of the original breeds. Their ears might look like that of the pit-bull and the body might look like that of the bulldog.

Either way they will have parts of their bodies that will look like that of the original breeds. The personalities might also be the same as the original breed. Any dog you will be able to train the way you want him to be.

The bulldog is known to have lockjaw. This means once the dog bites he will not let go. His jaws will basically lock and he will be unable to let go.

This dog will get used to the people that he will see on a daily basis and those will be his people. Other than the people that he knows, he will not allow other people onto your property. He will attack and fight for his life.

You need to teach your children how to play with this kind of dog because of its aggressiveness. These really are very nice dogs to have if you get this dog while it is still a puppy. You should never get this kind of dog when it is an older dog.

They will know who is allowed on the property. If anyone enters your property that they do not know and you do not tell the dog that it is fine, they will attack that person. They learn the smell of each person that they see regularly and that is how they can identify strangers.

Some people believe that your children will never be safe around this kind of dog as the dog is too aggressive. If the dog grew up with your children and if the dog has been trained not to attack anyone then your children will actually be extremely safe. Your children on the other also needs to be taught that they should not hurt the dog or scare the dog otherwise it will try and defend itself like another dog and they might get bitten.

You can start teaching the dog the simple things like sit and stay. This will also teach the dog to obey instructions when you give it. You can also teach the dog to listen to only your voice. You should never let outsiders know what you teach the dog, or you may face serious issues.

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