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samedi 16 janvier 2016

Learn How To Care For Ragdoll Kittens North Carolina

By Catherine Murray

Kitten owners can attest that raising kittens is very much similar to raising a baby. The health of the kitten largely depends on the care you offer it. Again, if you train your kitten well while young, you will not have to struggle much during adulthood. This is because; the discipline instilled in a kitten when young is carried to adulthood. Certain tips can help you raise ragdoll kittens North Carolina in the right way.

First, just like your baby, you do not have to expect t your real kitten to behave like an adult. It is always important to let the kitten be kitten and not a cat. This will reduce frustration that come with you raising your expectations about a kitten so high, just to realize that you cannot achieve it. You need also to know the proper food for the kitten to feed on at every stage. This will ensure that the kitten grows healthy and free of illnesses.

Do not expect your kitten to be docile and relaxed at all times. Many are the time you will find her jumping up and down around the house. If you want your house to be always clean and sparkle, forget about keeping a kitten. You need to be ready to have a messy house the kitten is likely to disorganize things during play.

Do not wait until your kitten shows signs of illness to start looking for a vet. You need to be sure that the kitten is healthy at all times. Schedule several appointments with the vet to have your kitten diagnosed. This will be essential as you will detect illness early before they get serious.

You also need to ensure that you keep your kitten free of parasites. You can do this by deworming the pet. Your vet can be of great help in ensuring the pet stay free of these harmful parasites. In most cases, parasite makes your pet look weak and loose appetite.

You need to ensure that the kitten feeds on a balanced diet. If it is newly born you need to ensure that the mother feeds well to be able to provide enough milk for the kitten. In case it is an adopted cat, get to know the right meals to feed her. As she grows, consider providing kitten food at all time to ensure that she does not get hungry.

You also need to be careful whenever the kitten is in the house. As you know, kitten like to chew things she finds on the ground. You need to keep electrical wires away from the kitten. You also need to ensure that your valuable assets are not on the ground.

Ensure the kitten has a comfortable place to sleep. This means that you need to clean the bedding regularly. You also need to clean the kitten and groom her. Cleaning and grooming help keep the kitten away from illnesses. You should also get to know when your kitten is cold. Cold can easily send your kitten to an early grave. Keep your kitten worm at all times.

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