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lundi 18 janvier 2016

A Look At Aquarium Maintenance

By Charles Bell

A good care for the aquarium will provide a good and health environment for fish within the aquarium. Proper maintenance may prevent other bad effects that may occur if left for a longer period without unattended. Some of requirements include maintaining the required stability of water. Aquarium maintenance is of great importance in that the level of water is kept in check. The best method involves emptying the water and replacing it with clean one.

The persons owning the aquarium within the city of Dayton OH ought to know that, inspection is done on regular basis. It should be done daily to ensure that the arrangement of equipment is in order. It is during this period that the feeding habit of fish is the normal one. The change of normal behavior of fish is an indication that something ought to be done.

It can also be done weekly where the quality of water is tested for nitrites and nitrate. During this period the walls are cleaned and the filter inserts are rinsed. On every month the cartridges, filter inserts, floss and the carbon are replaced. The tubing and the connections are inspected during this period. The top is also cleaned to ensure that the lighting is efficient. The supplies should be inspected to determine the expiration date.

When cleaning the aquarium start with unplugging of heater. The next thing is to remove all the artificial decorations and then cleaning its sides. All the filters are disconnected and together with the decorations are taken to the sink. Then the filters and decorations are cleaned during this period. Then connect the gravel cleaner which is used until the last section is cleaned.

Stopping is very essential water has been removed up to about 25-30% to enhance the efficiency. At this period the temperature should be regulated frequently to avoid huge variation of temperature that may interfere with the physiological functions of fish. Then the liquid is refilled once the cleaning process is complete. The faucet pump may be used to make the worker easier.

Then return all the components that had been removed previously. Some of components to be returned include the decorations among others. The heaters are reconnected to their right place and in an excellent manner. The filters and the pumps are restored too. Then after the entire fixation everything should be run to ensure that everything is operational.

Performing routine liquid changes to the aquarium is very essential in that it helps in reducing pollution caused by the nitrogenous wastes. These wastes include the nitrite, the ammonia and the nitrate. High accumulation of nitrogenous waste may pose a threat to the fish in that they become more susceptible to the diseases. It is important to regulate the pH. Of it by frequent removal of organic materials that are decomposing.

Clarity is improved by the frequent change of the liquid. This ensures the right intensity reaches the bottom. It also eliminates bad odors that could make the pale around inhabitable. The light that enters allows maximal growth of coral. During this the correct salt concentration is checked.

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