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mardi 12 janvier 2016

For A Professional Dog Walker Salt Lake City Should Be The Location To Give Priority

By Laura Graham

Personal happiness continues to become an influential factor in how people choose their careers these days. Traditional jobs that involve leaving the house in the morning till evening are becoming less favorable compared to personal ambitions in which people determine their own use of time. Parents want to be able to spend more time with their families, but be able to keep food on the table and pay bills at the same time. Professions like dog walking emerge from such ambitions. As such, when one is in need of hiring a professional dog walker Salt Lake City should be among the places to consider making a visit to.

Being a professional dog walker involves more than just walking around pulling on a leash. One needs to be a lover of dogs and a good time manager. Some people start their own small businesses, which require one to have some managerial skills. People who are well organized, dedicated, and client-oriented can make a good salary from the job.

Entry into this profession is not a very complicated process like it is in other professions. The most important thing to do is to build a network of clients. One can start by asking around their neighborhood for clients. Friends, relatives, or previous workmates can be very instrumental in helping one to build a network of clients. Skills are usually learned on the job, but one can also decide to attend a course.

Landing clients can prove to be challenging especially when one is just getting started. Patience is the key to making it in the future. An alternative is to join an agency that is involved with pets. The main drawback here is that one is not their own boss. The agency looks for clients while one delivers the services and the fees is split.

Agencies have the advantage of giving one experience and necessary skills. A lot of opportunities to meet new people are also presented. Such people can later on become clients. Quitting remains an option when one feels that they have had enough experience and are ready to venture on their own. One gets to add experience on their resume, which is sometimes needed by some clients.

Some clients insist that they want to see licenses and certification. Others may go further to demand for reference. To be safe, one can get training in dog handling in many schools that offer certification. Some schools offer interested parties full tuition scholarships. It only takes a few days to complete most of the training courses available. Clients who need assurance that their dogs are in safe hands are attracted to people with some training.

To be successful, one must possess certain skills. For instance, it is important to be able to communicate properly with people. Part of the job is to move around looking for clients who need to be convinced. Additionally, there is much walking, which requires physical fitness.

Finally, one can set their own rates and work at the hours they feel are convenient for them. One usually has a lot of time to do other things. If one decides to start a small business, they can hire other people to help with most activities.

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