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vendredi 15 janvier 2016

How To Use Alternatives To Elizabethan Collar To Help Your Dog Heal

By Patricia Kennedy

If your dog has developed a serious medical condition or has needed surgery for any reason you know how tense and stressful the recovery period can be. Educating yourself about how to help them recover as quickly as possible can help minimize this stress. Finding alternatives to Elizabethan collar that will help keep your pet from licking their wounds or other areas is one way that you can manage their condition and get them feeling better as quickly as possible.

If you have ever seen a dog wearing what looks to be an inverted lampshade around its head, you know what an Elizabethan collar looks like. It is usually attached to a dog's neck via their collar or via a piece of gauze or cord that holds it in place and can prevent a dog from kicking it off with their feet. Often, a vet will require a dog to wear one following surgery or if the canine has developed a skin issue.

While they work quite well in many cases, these collars can cause distress for some animals. This is because an animal's sense of hearing can be altered by the cone around their face. It can also make it difficult for some animals to eat and drink as it may block the bowl or the plate that the dog or cat is trying to eat off of. Others may have difficulty moving and may panic if their collar gets caught on a door frame or piece of furniture.

Many people think that a dog can lick a wound and heal it. This is often not the case. Licking can introduce bacteria. It can also dissolve stitches and open up a wound. This can cause a medical emergency if the wound or incision opens up completely.

One alternative to the dreaded cone is to use a tee shirt or pair of shorts to cover the incision. This works very well when an incision was made on the pet's stomach, sides or back. It may work less well if the affected area was on a leg or tail since these can be easier for the dog to reach. If you do decide to try this method of covering the affected area you do need to monitor your pet.

Another alternative is to use an inflatable collar that prevents the dog or cat from turning their head and getting at a particular part of their body. These can be quite comfortable and make it easy for a pet to eat and drink. It is also less likely that a pet will catch themselves on a door or on furniture with an inflatable collar.

Bitter apple sprays and other strong tasting liquids may help prevent a pet from licking as well. Because most come in liquid form they may not be suitable for treating incisions as the liquid may end up softening or dissolving sutures. They may be good for infections or areas where a pet has caused inflammation because they have been chewing at their skin.

If you are unsure how a particular product will work for your pet, you can always speak with your veterinarian as they may have other ideas that you can use so that using the cone can be avoided. You may need to be creative but there are ways that you can help your pet recover.

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