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jeudi 2 juillet 2015

Save Dog Bit By Snake San Diego

By Jordan Schmidt

Dogs have lived with man from ancient times. They have been very useful in hunting activities intended to bring food home. Hunting is their nature and they enjoy doing it. In fact, it is one of the commonly shared habits by most of these pets. When a snake is involved then their safety is at risk. This is why experts have devised ways to save a dog bit by snake San Diego.

There are a number of ways of verifying if a dog has sustained a bite. It could even be simpler if one is present at the scene. All the same, it is still possible to identify affected pets by observing various features or signs and symptoms. There could be a presence of puncture wound indicating sites of attack, active bleeding if fangs penetrated deep enough; painful swelling can also be identified. Other signs include sudden weakness, blood in urine or even depressed respiration that reflects a malfunctioning system.

Bites of this nature are lethal if unattended in time. Timely action is therefore very crucial in preventing health complications or death. Pet owner should immediately immobilize animal involved if an attack has been confirmed. This ensures that distribution of lethal injected dose does not rapidly spread to other parts. After this first aid, one should rush to veterinary offices for further care. In such offices or centers, antivenins shall be administered to counter effect of the venom injected. One should take more precautions and never apply a tourniquet or incise affected sites.

It is possible to train dogs on various habits. One such training should involve training to avoid unnecessary hunting of dangerous reptiles. This is a safety precaution. Better still; vaccines are available to lessen complications when an animal fall a victim of reptiles. These vaccines promote immune preparedness to counter any eventualities when they finally occur. Any vaccinated pet experience less pain and discomfort when bitten by these aggressive reptiles.

If preventive measures were not adopted in time, treatment options exist to counter poisonous venom injected. This usually saves most pets taken for treatment in time. To be precise, it is now verified that more than eighty percent of animals treated survive the injuries and have no life complications as paralysis. An injection of antibodies called antivenins usually saves the situation.

Other than antivenins, it is equally important to manage each case independently and control evident distressing symptoms. For instance, in cases where respiration is depressed, it may be very necessary to supplement oxygen supply or even breathe for the animal. Pain may equally be relieved using analgesics.

Caution is necessary for persons accompanied by pets. Certain environments are hiding zones for snakes and should be avoided if possible. These places include bushy places, places near water bodies like streams and dams as well as forests. In addition to this, all persons should know that pets are more at risk during summer when snakes are mobile and roam about.

Finally, one needs to be very vigilant and observe state laws regarding care of pets.

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