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samedi 11 juillet 2015

A Look At Homemade Dog Treats For Sale

By Olive Pate

People love to give their pets something extra to enjoy. This is handy when there are homemade dog treats for sale. These goodies act as a reward for when your pet has done well or achieved something. This will stick with them. There are a variety of these treats available one can even make them yourself.

It is important to make sure that the right kinds of ingredients go in there that are going to make your dog happy. A lot of dogs are allergic to certain things. Some dogs don't take kindly to a lot of ingredients in general. There are a lot of things that will give the dog problems with their stomach.

There are ingredients that they will prefer to others, and one has to experiment with these. In general, dogs love liver, pumpkin and peanut butter. However, dogs are different and so you have to try new things. You will begin to see what their favorites are and then you can stick with what they like the best.

There are many recipes available online for different sorts of dogs as well as for various allergies and disorders. There are dogs that can be allergic to something specific, such as chicken or lamb. You can replace this with beef, for example. Some dogs can benefit from these treats that have been suffering from a skin disorder, for example. There are special ingredients that you would put in there.

Besides chocolate and sugar, dogs don't take too well to things like potatoes, salt or nuts. These ingredients often don't do wonders for the dog's stomach. There may be other things that your dog will have a problem with and will give him or her allergies. Don't order a lot of treats until you are sure that your dog is going to cope well with them.

You may need to experiment with the size of the treat you are making as well. Something for a bigger dog will be made a little bigger. A Great Dane, for example needs a little more of a taste than a dog that is smaller. You also need to chop the ingredients up a little finer if you are making something for a dog on the smaller side.

There are favorite ingredients that a dog may have and you will find that out as you experiment with different treats. Things like peanut butter, liver, pumpkin and salmon are some of the ingredients that most dogs will indulge in, so have these in stock. Their breathe will also smell a lot better after going for some of these biscuits, so there are other advantages.

These treats are not only tasty, but they can help in circumstances where dogs have problems. They can give your dog energy, they can help with bad breath and they can even help with certain more serious disorders. This depends on what you put in them. Often a dog does not want to take medication, and this is a great way of disguising it.

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