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mercredi 8 juillet 2015

Advantages Of Owning TICA Registered Ragdoll Kittens

By Olive Pate

Many associations offer kitty adoption services in the world. However, you need to know that it involves a tedious process that can drain financially. This is because, you will be required to register and get the right documents. The merits below will enlighten you on the importance of owning TICA registered Ragdoll kittens.

Documents for certification: A kitty has to be registered before adoption. This is vital in ensuring that when you travel around the world, you have documents of ownership and observation of procedures required of cat owners. Additionally, in case the medical history of the cat is required you will be in position to provide. Therefore, the institution provides the relevant documents and ensures that they renewed on a timely basis.

Proof of lineage services: There are so many fake ragdoll breeds cats around. Similarly, it has become difficult to distinguish a pure breed from a hybrid. This is because the hybrids closely resemble the pure breeds. As a result, you are likely to be duped into buying the fakes. This is different with cats approved by the institution, since documentation is provided for proof during adoption.

Advice on cat care: The institution provides pieces of advice on how to care for your kitty once adopted. This is important to first timers in owning cats. Therefore, you will be given professional advice on food, medication and other important information on how to care for it. This will enable you take care of it until it is fully-grown.

Medication services: All the injections are given to kitties when they are some weeks old. When the medication not adopted, the healthiness of the cat may not be assured. Hence, the institution will ensure that proper medication is given to the cat. Similarly, even after the adoption, they will ensure that they do a follow up on the development of the cat.

Training of cats: The institution owns a college where cats undergo training. This is necessitated by the need to tailor the kitty to meet your needs. Similarly, cat owners also undergo training during the period. This provides the opportunity for the kitty and the owner to bond. Hence, you will acquire skills and continue the training at home.

Competition opportunities: Cats are very intelligent animals and therefore, they can engage in competition shows. Additionally, they need to be exposed and get a chance to meet other breeds. This is an opportunity, that the association accords cats that are registered under it. Similarly, a cat is accorded benefits that come with such competitions.

Educative website: The institution has a website containing all the services that the institution provides. In addition, there are other important educative materials. For instance blogs, mentor programs, and classifieds. Additionally, you will be able get monthly newsletters on different cat breed and opportunities available. This will be vital in enabling you take care of your cat.

Venue for establishing contacts: Many people dream of having cats as pets. This is possible with the organization since you will have an opportunity of meeting breeders to exchange and share vital information. Consequently, you will have a chance to recommend them to your friends, family members, neighbors, and work colleagues who wish to adopt kittens.

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