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mercredi 8 juillet 2015

Do Cavachons Shed A Lot

By Olive Pate

When considering a particular type of dog for adoption, there should be certain questions one may want to ask prior to making a final decision. Posing inquiries such as do Cavachons shed, do they have major health concerns, are they active and what are their personality traits, can help one make an informed choice. They are important in determining if the breed is suitable to an individual's lifestyle.

Getting to know a breed before bringing a dog home can stave off a lot of issues and avoid serious regret and disappointment. All too often, people will choose a puppy based on first impressions or how they expect it to look as an adult. The mistake is that appearance can not accurately indicate factors such a health concerns, habits, temperament or other personality traits.

Considerations such as breed personality traits and which living conditions are most suitable to this type of dog are very important. The same could be said for being aware of what the grooming needs are and how much shedding should be expected. Failure to research these subjects could mean facing unpleasant surprise, disappointment and regret over a bad match.

The Cavachon is designer breed that was created by combining the beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the super cute Bichon Frise. The each possess very admirable qualities that were passed on to this offspring pup. As with all animals, some aspects of these dogs are not going to be attractive to every potential owner.

There size makes them perfect for pretty much any type of housing situation. Falling into the small to middle category, they need less tending than the tiny toy pups and less running room than the really large breeds. This level of diversity makes them quite adaptable to most any living conditions from efficiency apartments to very spacious houses.

The issue of shedding is a huge concern for many individuals for multiple reasons including household cleaning requirements and dander allergies. The fur on these animals may be found to be either short and loosely curled, or long and silkily waved. Either way, these pups do not experience much hair loss at all, making them practically perfect when it comes to addressing these types of factors.

How much and what type of grooming required is going to vary depending on the style of fur on the pup. To keep the long coats from becoming matted or tangled and to maintain their silky waviness, frequent brushing must be done. As the short curls grow they may tend to bush out and become unruly unless given professional trimmings every couple of months.

As they are extremely social, they do require a lot of attention and thrive in situations where there are multiple pets or older children with whom they may interact. This breed makes horrible guard dogs as their idea of aggression is licking faces and playing games, though they will bark if they feel their family is being threatened in any way. Being aware of all these different personality traits and care requirements may be very useful to any potential pet owner.

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