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jeudi 2 juillet 2015

An Introduction To Retaining A Dog Walker In Metairie LA

By Dorthy Lloyd

Much as they would like to, most people cannot simply lounge around with their dogs all day always. People have to go to work or go places where dogs are not welcome. If a person works long hours, having no time to exercise their dog, the alternative is a dog walker. If the dog owner is frequently away, the walker forms an excellent alternative to kennel services. A number of issues need consideration before hiring.

A canine walkers responsibilities do not rest with exercising the dog only. They hold responsibility for the dogs safety as the two walk around. The walker needs to be good enough or the owner risk losing the dog. In this regard, several candidates for the job need interviewing to figure out what they have to offer and whether personalities will fit together. Trust needs to be established and the dog needs to respond well to them.

Start by preparing a list of prospective candidates. Satisfied pet owners in Metairie LA will provide you with good references. Next is thoroughly vetting those on your list. Part of your vetting should involve participating in walks along with them. This way, you get to feel the dynamics within a pack. You will assess the walkers interaction with their charges and management style. Strike off the list any candidate not keen on your tagging along.

Most professional walkers work with several charges. The dog owner requires inspecting each groups physical makeup. This is particularly important with pet size issues. Small dogs must not be forced to keep up with bigger dogs. Safety matters are also crucial. The bigger dogs may be too rough when playing with smaller dogs. The smaller ones may be trampled. They may be tripped over. Some dogs may show hostility resulting in injuries.

A prospective dog handler needs to be trustworthy. This is not only regarding taking care of their employers dog but also the handler will have access to their employers home and all the stuff there. The walker should have insurance coverage for every aspect of liability that includes control, custody and care of the animals involved. Written proof of bonding or commercial liability insurance is essential during interviewing. No excuses should be condoned whatsoever.

In addition to this, dishonesty bonds of claim or fidelity protect you should you hire a canine walker who gets criminal conviction in court. The conviction may be for stealing your home items or the dog. You will not get immediate compensation until conviction is established which might take years. It is however, preferable to getting nothing.

Some professional walkers obtain coverage for stealing instead of bonds. This is because theft covers do not require criminal conviction. It often covers accidental damage or breakage to home items and stolen goods. These are all in the owners favour irrespective of the walker being merely boorish or dishonest.

The bottom line is that a walker helps maintain a dogs happiness. It means the pet will be well cared for when the owner is unavailable. Thorough vetting of potential candidates is necessary. Only that prospect who promises to take a dogs emotional and physical well-being as seriously as the owner needs hiring. This is at a budgetary rate that the owner can afford.

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