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mardi 24 février 2015

Tips For Choosing Good Pet Sitters

By Earlene McGee

Pet caregivers do much more than just provide your beloved pet with food and water. A good sitter will also spend some quality time with your animal, give him exercise and also know how to tell whether they need veterinary attention. Furthermore, dog sitters typically provide additional services like bringing newspapers, watering plants, turning on lights and providing homes with lived like look to scare away thieves. However, just because someone calls himself a dog/cat sitter does not make them good at it. By reading this article, you will be equipped with useful tips for choosing the best pet sitters in Houston TX.

For a start, you can ask for referrals from friends, colleagues, your vet or even the employees at your local animal shelter. Word of mouth tend to be trustworthy since you can always ask the referrers for specifics why they are recommending a particular sitter. You can also expect a good sitter to be recommended by a majority of his/her past clients and vice versa for one who is not all that reputable.

You will also have peace of mind knowing that your animal is in the hands of experienced sitter. It is true that everyone has to start from somewhere. However, you do not want to risk the life of your companion by leaving them with a novice. Experience does not only refer to the number of years one has been in practice but also the number of similar pets he/she has cared for in the recent past.

Insurance cover is another important factor that you cannot afford to ignore. Dealing with pets is usually very risky as some of them might bite. If your pet sitter is not insured, you will be held responsible for any injuries he/she might suffer in the course of his/her duty. It is not just enough to ask a potential sitter if he is insured; you should actually ask to see his certificate of insurance and also verify that it is authentic.

The cost of hiring such a person is also very important. In most instances, cat or dog sitters usually set their own rates. What this means is that you can find very good deals as well as bad ones. You therefore need to be very careful when looking for the best.

While it is not necessary for a dog sitter to hold bachelors degree, it would be good if you can find someone with basic training on animal caring. If you can find a professionally certified sitter, that would be an added advantage. There are various organizations that provide certification to animal caregivers after they have been trained on basic pet handling, routine care and crisis prevention.

Even if you find a sitter that you think would be the best, it is still important to introduce him/her to your animal. You might like a particular sitter but your pet does not like them. Remember that it is your dog or cat you hiring the sitter for and not yourself. It is therefore important that the two of them get along well.

The bottom line is that hiring a pet sitter can be very stressful. However, it is something that is worth doing. At the same time, you should also realize that finding a great sitter is not something you will be able to achieve overnight.

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