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samedi 21 février 2015

The Benefits Of Cones For Dogs

By Olivia Cross

A traditional medical cone is worn by canines after surgery is performed to protect the wounds from scratches and irritation. The most common includes the Elizabethan or E collar that consists of a hard plastic cone to fit around the neck of a pooch and restrict the ability to reach target sites. Cones for dogs are available in different sizes and styles that should be chosen according to the needs of your pet.

Cones have been designed for dogs that have undergone surgery and should not reach the post operate areas because of the high risk associated with infection and damage. Canines are compelled to lick, chew, and scratch at wounds that are in the healing process. This can lead to the undoing of stitches and additional damage that is time consuming and costly to tend to. It is also impossible for owners to monitor their pets to prevent against additional complications, which is the reason that veterinarians recommend cone products.

An E collar is developed to provide dogs with the correct fit around the neck and restrict the means of chewing or licking at specific sites on the head or body. The cone includes a hard plastic shell that should protect the animal during the recovery process. Most dogs may indicate high levels of stress and anxiety when these devices are fitted and may require alternatives.

A cone includes a lamp shade shape and flare design the can protect the pet from scratching and biting at the site of the wound. The material includes a hard plastic that offers the greatest levels of durability when compared to other types of medical apparatus. The neck area is padded to ensure that the device does not cut into the skin and cause additional discomfort.

Alternative designs include a neck brace that prevent the dog from being able to turn its head toward the affected area. It is developed to provide minimal rotation for pets that simply cannot get accustomed to the larger plastic cone. The bracing is sturdy and designed with a comfortable fit for both large and smaller canines.

Cones can be bought in a paper design and fitted to the shape and size requirements of the canines. Such alternatives are recommended for smaller canines because a bigger animal can roll on the material and cause damage to it. For pet owners, it is best to assess the health needs of pets and to determine the functional features that it can provide for individual needs.

When introducing a supportive collar, it is necessary use positive reinforcement and to minimize the amount of stress placed on pets. If the apparatus is secured in a harsh manner, pets will simply experience heightened anxiety and tension. A vet may advise on the steps that need to be followed for the best possible results.

The neck cone is one of the most important medical products to prevent animals from affecting the healing process. It includes the E collar, neck braces, and cones with a different material to prove more comfortable for the dog to wear on a daily basis. Be sure to provide the canine with a break from the collar when you are able to monitor behavior and reward positive responses.

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