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jeudi 26 février 2015

The Essential Of Cleaning In Aquarium Maintenance Cincinnati OH

By Earlene McGee

Proper aquarium practices will, out of doubt, lead to a healthy aquatic environment and provide thriving fish. However, it is worth mentioning that the rather expensive and time-consuming problems can be prevented by simply spending half an hour on taking care of the aquarium every day. This article understands the need for good importance of such an investment and takes you through essential tips on aquarium maintenance Cincinnati OH.

During the cleaning, you need not take all the stuff- decorations, plants- out of the fish tank. Doing so only adds to your work and leads to a large and unnecessary mess. In addition, note that every surface in the tank will grow some bacteria that are beneficial and part of the biological filter. As such, removing and cleaning the decorations stresses up and even kills some of these benevolent bacteria and thereby depleting the quality of your filtration.

The essential part of the maintenance is the water change. The water change should be undertaken about 2-3 weeks. A good practice is to replace the water extracted while vacuuming the gravel to eliminate the uneaten foods among other residues that settles on the substrate.

The specs of the water also go a long way in the maintenance. Most aquarium fish require water between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, gravity between 1.020-1.024 and pH of between 8.0-8.4. Ensure to install a thermometer and use a water testing kit daily until your water cycling and aquatic environment are established. Note that there is no need to hyper-focus on exact target numbers since the fish adapt to the environment they are in. The most important thing is to avoid significant fluctuations in the water readings once a certain environment has been set; drastic changes easily cause illness, stress, and even death.

In case you have an under gravel filter, it is recommended to clean the gravel during your weekly water changes to prevent detritus among other decaying organic matter from blocking the passage between the pebbles and preventing water flow. In general, you can clean 25-33 percent of the general gravel while extracting out 10-15 per cent of the water.

However, stability and pH are the main factor for the survival and proper growth of your fish. Most fish species thrive well in the pH ranging between 6.5 to 7.5, though they can adjust if the hardness is slightly out of range. The stability of the pH is indicated by the measure of the carbonate hardness, KH. The carbonate hardness should be kept under close observation and action taken when it falls below 4.5degree hardness (dH).

In addition, tank filtration is equally important. The filter must be kept in good and functioning state. Filter inserts such as algone, floss, and activated carbon should be changed at least after every four weeks. However, a high fish load may require shorter replacement periods. The filter should also be cleaned at least once in a month to get rid of the trapped particles decomposed in it. The cleaning must be done by using the water extracted from the tank during the water change.

In a nutshell, cleaning and taking care of your tank is simple and easy. Scrub for algae; eliminate 10-15 percent of the water while cleaning the gravel alongside he top of the tank using dechlorinated water. However, care requirements may differ from tanks hate re still cycling or for small aquariums and fish bowls.

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