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jeudi 26 février 2015

Find Out About The Various Aquarium Maintenance Practices

By Earlene McGee

Many people are happy when they find fish playing in their ponds at home. Those who have not yet installed the fishponds in their homes look forward to having them in their homes for several reasons. Some people keep fish in their pond for consumption reasons while others just want to see them there. For this reason, you should know the aquarium maintenance practices that you need to perform to keep your ponds in good condition.

Fish are some of the precious and delicate animals that need to be handled with great care. If you do not keep your pond in the right condition, they could get sick. Signs that your fish are unhealthy can be noted when they are feeding. They do not eat with vigor like the healthy ones. If you notice that your fish could be sick, ensure that they are treated early enough.

For you to ensure that the pond is safe for the fish to be live in, make sure that you keep counting their numbers. Sometimes, fish die inside the aquariums but you might not notice. They could even rot inside which can be a health hazard for the other fish. You might not notice that some fish are dead until you see them floating on the water.

Another disadvantage of counting the fish in the pond is that you are able to know whether there are dead fish and remove them before they decompose. It is a bad thing to allow fish to decompose in the ponds since this will change the chemical composition of water. Normally, the decomposing fish will release nitrite spikes and ammonia. The nitrite will eventually change into nitrate and increase its levels in the pond water.

Aquariums in Dayton OH require to be maintained in the cleanest conditions. You need to clean the walls to prevent growth of plants that could affect the health conditions of your fish. If you are always busy, you can hire experts after every few days to ensure that they the walls of your pond properly. The floor of the pond should also be properly cleaned especially for aquariums constructed indoors.

Some people think that once they perform all the weekly activities they are done. That should not be the case since full maintenance also includes monthly activities. Replacing of the ponds components is among the monthly tasks that should be performed without failure. You should not wait until you start noticing a decrease in the production.

If you have certain pond supplies and other bottle products you use in your Dayton OH pond, you should check their expiry dates. Most people do not know that most of the pond supplies they use have certain expiry dates. Checking the expiry dates is important since it prevent you from poisoning your fish.

You also need to control the growth of algae in the pond. If you put so much food supplements in the aquariums, it leads to growth of these algae. Therefore, you should reduce the amount of food that you give to your fish and also reduce the amount of light in the pond.

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