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vendredi 20 février 2015

Flies, Odors & Agricultural Waste Management

By Lianne Derocco

All types of livestock farmers must contend with agricultural waste which can cause huge operational problems with manure is not handled properly. This is true whether you use a manure pit or an anaerobic lagoon. Swine waste management is just part of the job. Part of the manure management job that farmers often face is how to deal with an excess of flies as well as the strong odors that surround waste pits and waste lagoons.

While hog farms and also dairy farms can be profitable, there are definitely some nuisances with which one must contend. An excess of flies are often a problem. But this isn't just a small problem; these flies also can spread many different types of harmful bacteria and disease. For instance, flies can reach hog manure that is near infected hogs, which otherwise have been separated from other livestock. These flies then can carry infection to the healthy animals. Parasites also can be spread by flies. Generally, hog and dairy farmers will encounter stable flies and the common housefly, but there may be other types of flies present.

One way to reduce the amount of flies near the animals themselves is ensuring that manure is quickly removed from where your animals defecate. You are less likely going to be affected by flies if barns or other containment areas are kept as dry and clean as possible. Often if you have a smaller hog farm or even just a very small hobby type of farm, fly paper or special fly traps can be used as well to keep flies to a minimum. Another method in reducing the amount of flies around your waste lagoon or pit is by using some type of natural hog manure treatment.

Another typical issue is the odor generated by these animals, which obviously cannot be eliminated entirely. However, some types of pig manure treatments can lessen these odors which definitely benefit not just the animals and farm workers, but also the surrounding environment. The odors or gases products at a hog farm have been shown to be toxic and people living in areas near livestock farms often report an increase of issues such as having more colds and bronchial infections, as well as more problems with asthma, allergies and more. Some pig manure treatments have been shown to reduce these odors and gases.

If you are searching for agricultural waste solutions, it is best to consider products that are as natural as possible, such as Agra Sphere. This product is intended to aid in reducing the formation of sludge, top-level crusting and foaming, as well as to liquefy your waste. When you have a great deal of sludge, crust and foaming, this is attractive to flies and causes an excess of odors, so preventing and eliminating these problems using a product like Agra Sphere is one possible option.

Agra Sphere is a completely natural and biodegradable product. You simply toss an adequate number of spheres onto the waste in your pit or lagoon and they immediately will go work, eating away at the waste solids. This agricultural waste product contains only naturally occurring bacterial microbes and no chemicals so you won't be adding any more toxins to the environment.

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