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dimanche 1 juin 2014

Great Exercise Options For Your Dog

By Cheng Bernhardt

No matter what breed, size or age of dog you have, providing regular exercise usually is an excellent idea. While most dogs benefit from some daily exercise, it's a good idea to discuss exercise needs with your dog's veterinarian. This professional can give your dog a thorough onceover and provide you with some helpful exercise advice, which might include one or more of the following activities.

There are many issues to consider when choosing an activity for exercise, and every dog has limitations or activities they enjoy more than others. Older dogs or dogs with breathing issues and other health issues might not have a high amount of stamina, so exercises need to be adjusted to suit their body type, age and health. For a dog of a more sedentary nature or one with arthritis or another ailment, a gentle walk once or twice a day might be just what the doctor ordered. Exercise actually can be of benefit to a dog with arthritis and exercise reduces stiffness and sometimes soreness. Just keep it simple, and if the weather is particularly hot or cold, consider exercise inside rather than outside. You could just lead your dog around the house for a few minutes or invest in a dog treadmill.

If you have a healthy, high-energy pet, then there is a wide range of activities to ponder, including running or perhaps jogging. Your dog might love running alongside you as you bike, as well, as some well-trained dogs certainly enjoy this activity, especially a larger dog. Just remember that you might have to work up to running, jogging or biking longer distances. Dogs need to train, just like humans. For a dog with shorter legs, these activities probably aren't a great idea, but a good brisk walk might be fine. With all pets, look for cues that he or she is getting tired or over-heated and take a rest and water break. Some dogs can overexert themselves, so have a talk with your vet about how much exercise is suitable for your pet.

Some dogs can become bored quite easily, so for many animals it is wise to schedule some interesting play activities in addition to daily walks or runs. Dogs that are bored can become quite destructive and unhappy, so investing in some different types of toys is a good idea. You can play together with the toys and also provide toys that the dog can use by himself, such as a chew toy or a toy that holds a treat and the dog must figure out a way to get the treat out.

Dogs love running on agility courses and dog agility provides plenty of interesting exercise for your pet. Not only will your dog have a great time, owners enjoy it as well. You might think it's just for larger dogs such as shepherds, but most breeds will enjoy some level of agility training. For a small-sized animal, simply use mini agility equipment so that they are safe and obstacles are manageable. Competitions are fun, as well, but you don't have to compete in order to get a lot out of dog agility training.

Not only will your dog have a great time and gain strength and coordination, learning agility skills improves their behavior. This is because of two factors. One, your dog will learn many typical behavior skills during training, such as sitting, staying, coming when you call him and more. In addition, dogs with regular and interesting exercise in general tend to be happier and less prone to excessive barking, chewing, scratching and other difficult behavior. If you need agility equipment, Carlson Agility offers a full selection including quality agility jumps, agility tunnels, pause tables, tire jumps, dog walks, a-frames, weaves and much more. All of their equipment also is available miniaturized for smaller dogs and puppies.

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