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vendredi 13 juin 2014

Finding Reliable Dog Cone Alternative

By Ina Hunt

Also known as the e-collar to some people, this is a special type of equipment. It functions as a medical instrument which takes the shape of a cone and is worn by pets especially cats and dogs around their neck. Usually used after surgical procedures, it functions to fasten the healing process. It ensures that the head is kept intact restricting its movements hence it is not able to lick and bite its wounds. Purchase can be made from the local veterinary shops. However, it has some shortcomings hence Dog Cone Alternative is important.

From the views of many dog owners, it was deemed important for alternatives to these dog cones to be introduced into the market. However, they had some disadvantages ; For example, since it was just an opaque object around its neck, it greatly impeded vision making it to sometimes trip over objects on its path and some were very dangerous. Also, whenever the pet felt nauseated, it would go right ahead and throw up in the cone making the whole situation really messy.

Since these dog cones have been rendered uncomfortable, technology has developed alternatives to this. There are quite a number available for those dog owners who cannot stand the cone of shame as is often termed by some people. Most dogs hate them because they usually look like a lamp shade. There are other animals that may spend the entire time whining until the device is taken away from them then they settle down.

The material that used to make the former was opaque and hard. Developments were made whereby the building material was replaced with a softer on that made the animals be able to relax more and relieve the tension that comes about with wearing the cone around their neck.

Kong E-collars also take after the Elizabethan collar. The distinction between them is that they are made from transparent material not like the others that are opaque. Dogs are now able to feel more comfortable as they can see their surrounding in a better way and do not have to feel as though their vision is being interfered with.

Innovation of a collar that was able to be inflated came a long way. It acted as a pillow which was very soft and easy. Another advantage is that as the dog knocks over items on its way, it is not hurt because the inflatable collar acts as a cushion.

When the wounds on the body of the animal are interfered with either by scratching them or biting them, they may take a really long time for the wounds to heal. In other cases. The infection may be even more severe. To avoid all this, that was where the need for the introduction of these neck gears came in.

One can tell how efficient the gear is too the pet by observing its body language. Some may really make uneasy noises until a certain item is taken away from them. Others run to hide when they see the gadget. Such signs become the main indicators of which device to get for a pet and all the alternatives to the cone are considered to be better.

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