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mercredi 11 juin 2014

Choosing The Best Ragdoll Kittens For Sale

By Kenya Campos

Most cat lovers choose to own a Ragdoll cat because it has a personality that is very loving and pleasant. They are mostly obedient and very fun to be with. They can be also your best friend and a company at home. However, when you planned to purchase Ragdoll kittens for sale in Tennessee, you must select the one that suit to your desire.

As mentioned, rag doll kittens are soft mannered kind. Therefore, if you expect a hyper kind of kitten, you will surely get disappointed with your rag doll. Although they have shortcomings, they will make it up to you by staying delightful in your eyes and remain the best home buddies that you desire around.

An ordinary rag doll kitten has a short, sturdy body covered with an average long coat. Usually, their coats come with different variety of colors and similar to those of Siamese cats. Their hair only needs a low maintenance. The proper grooming and bathing of the cats should be done in a regular basis. If you do not want to spend lots of your time for grooming, you can consider a professional as part of your costs. Otherwise, take an effort to groom your cat personally.

Once you already know your desire for your rag doll pet, it is time to select a breeder. You can also consult your veterinarian for any recommendations. You can also ask your friends for their suggestions. List down all your options and contact the breeders that are suggested for you. Make a call and do not hesitate to ask questions in mind. You can also visit the place personally and see their facilities and each condition of cats.

Your visit is also your chance to look for the parents of the kittens. Sometimes, the breeders are only owning one of cat or parent because the process involves of two cats with different owners. If the breeder has only one of the parents, you can still ask for some photos to see its pedigree.

You should also choose the kitten that is already well socialized. Meaning, if you observed that they are already comfortable with your presence and other people around, it just means that they are socialized. They are also playful and not scared of being touched. They are a happy kitten and loves to play with you. You must observe their behavior so that you can already determine what they are.

Do not cuddle a kitten if they are not yet vaccinated. Most of them loves to touched and cuddled. Although there are several concerns before selecting the Ragdoll kitten, but it can be answered if the breeder has a reputation and honest. It is necessary that they have registration papers and vaccination certifications.

Perhaps, you also wonder with the price for these breeds. Well, the answer depends on from breeder to breeder. A potential buyer should always be aware the details about the breeding process to be sure that they received a friendly price for their pet.

You must familiarize the rag doll breed so that you will have a protection. There are some breeders that are attempting to sell their kittens, even their descendants do not hold a trait that you expected. Buyers should also be smart in paying one. Do not pay for a kitten that do not possess a proper resemble of breed.

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