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dimanche 13 avril 2014

The Basics On Mi-Ki Puppies

By Anita Ortega

Mi-Ki is a breed of toy dog that is believed to originate from Asia. It has been around in America since the 1980s. This animal is believed to share ancestry with Japanese Chin, Maltese and Papillon breeds. Me-key is the correct pronunciation. Mi-Ki puppies are a popular dog choice for many pet owners around the world.

The head of this dog is considered apple domed. It has a wide and short muzzle, as well as a well-defined area here the muzzle meets the skull. The eyes are round, large and set far apart. The nose is medium in size and features a flat top and wide nostrils that are not pinched. Generally the nose is black, but might be brown or self-colored in lighter-colored dogs. The ears are mobile, dropping or becoming erect. These might also be feathered and the dogs are known to wing their ears in excitement.

These dogs are known for being calm and sweet natured. They are affectionate, have a low-to-moderate activity level and are intelligent. Generally they are alert and friendly creatures that make for excellent pets for handicapped people because of its laid-back behavior. It is known for not barking much, but there are some that will make a twittering or yodeling sound.

This is a breed that loves people, even if they are strangers. It has an temperament that is relatively even, which makes it ideal as a guide dog. These animals are not considered to be overly aggressive and are not usually intimated by the presence of other digs. The animal can adapt and is a great pet for that reason.

The dogs make excellent pets for owners living in condos, apartments or other small spaces. This is because they can be easily trained and might even use a litter box. The animal is able to adjust to most climates, but still enjoys spending time outdoors to play or go on walks. It can also be quite happy and healthy having a small yard of its own to play in. A daily walk is suggested.

The life expectancy of this breed is in their teens. They do not have a lot of health problems. Still, those that have a shorter muzzle might be at risk of respiratory problems. This is especially true of older dogs. Teeth of these animals require frequent cleaning. Likewise, Mi-Kis tend to have a lot of hair growth between the toes, which might trap dirt. Shaving the face and feet of the animal on a frequent basis can help maintain its health and cleanliness.

It is worth noting that every dog will be different. Although these animals are not known for being aggressive or bad, it might depend on how they are handled by the owners. Those who are not confident, consistent and firm might notice behavior issues as a result.

When dogs are not allowed to be the leader of the pack to humans they can develop many problems, including barking at strangers, destructiveness, biting and snapping, separation anxiety, guarding and more. These are not issues specific to the breed. Instead, they can affect any breed as a result of lack of leadership from the human owner.

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