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dimanche 20 avril 2014

Easy Ways To Improve The Dog-Owner Bond

By Garrett McMahan

Whether a puppy has just become a part of your life or you have rescued a dog from your local animal shelter, this is an exciting time in your life. While you probably hope the dog immediately will fall in love with you and every member of your family, forging that important bond can take some time. Here are some tips to help you bond with your new furry companion.

Dogs might not be able to talk, but they have their own special ways of communicating and as the dog owner, you need to pay attention to their behavior so that you can figure out how your dog is feeling. If your new dog has the tail tucked down, ears back or cowers from you, these are signs of timidity or fear. Sometimes a scared dog will pace or even chew up things, and certainly they are uncertain about any new environment. Try to use calm, soothing tones during their first few days in your house and be very gentle and calm. Let them come up to you and make the first move, and provide gentle praise when they head over to sit with you. It takes time to build trust, and especially with rescue dogs, you need to be especially patient.

As Pavlov found, dogs are creatures of routine and if you set up a typical daily routine, this can help your dog become very comfortable in your home. If they know how the day begins and what to expect in general, they tend to have less anxiety. A schedule also helps with the housebreaking process, so start off each day with a short walk or trip outside, feed them at the same time and maybe even schedule a play time. While it's impossible to keep to any schedule 100 percent of the time, try to keep to a specific schedule as much as possible during those early days.

Playtime provides you with yet another opportunity to bond. Dogs love to play and go for walks, and this is simply fun time that you spend together. When your dog realizes they will have fun with you, this will make it easier for them to bond with you and the family. In addition, dogs need exercise and some breeds need a good amount of exercise. For a dog with high energy, you could eventually even try out agility training or another dog sport. However, every dog benefits from some level of exercise and play.

While you might think there is no correlation between bonding and obedience training, this is simply not true. Dogs want to learn how to please their owners, and owners are pleased when dogs obey and do not exhibit troublesome behavior. Therefore, proper training can make everyone happier, and you also will bond simply because training take time and the two of you will be working together learning a lot about each other's personalities.

It is important to find a great training program that makes it easy for you to teach your dog basic skills. While it does take time to train and you definitely must be patient, a helpful set of dog training DVDs can take make it much easier for you to help your dog learn many important skills. The Dog's Way is a 12-lesson DVD program designed to help owners teach dogs all the basics, such as how to sit, stay, stay quiet, walk on a leash, understand boundaries and much more. After a few weeks of work with The Dog's Way, your pet not only will have a deeper bond with you, you will truly enjoy your time with this sweet, loyal and well-trained companion.

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