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samedi 26 avril 2014

Benefits Of Dog Training Atlanta

By Eloise Hewitt

Animals and humans are said to have lived together for a long time in the past. Among the ones that maintained the relationship to the twenty first century are dogs. They are so friendly that most people cannot do without them. To bring them closer to our perception of the world, dog training Atlanta is providing services that leave a long lasting impact. Their work is done professionally and efficiently.

These creatures resemble humans given the many characteristics that they share. Among them is the ability to learn. Actually they are more accurate than us when it comes to sense of smell. Their swiftness in moving around is also an advantage. In the olden days they were useful to hunters and gatherers. During that time, a hunter was as good as the dog they had.

They were also used for security purposes. In the past there were no electric fences or police officers to provide security round the clock. A bark from these friends of humans in the middle of the night would be taken seriously making everyone to wake up and ascertain if things were alright. They did this by taking these animals through tight schedules of practice.

In the field of Psychology, a lot of research has been done on animal and human behavior. The dog became very instrumental to one of behaviorists, Albert Bandura. If the bell was rung it was associated with the presence of food making the creatures to run to the source of food. Findings from such ventures have helped in modern training. Various techniques are applied by the Atlanta professionals for better results.

How the training is conducted determines the resultant outcome. It also depends on customer specifications. For instance there are those who want training to be accompanied by their pets to the beach. It is therefore important to provide swimming lessons in such a case. Others just need company. Their animals are thus trained to be perfect companions by following them at a safe distance. If the process is carried out professionally, they come out with more or less human competency.

Those that require highly specialized training are those ones that are used for security. Just like the ones owned by the police and the armed forces, they need various skills. One of such skills is the ability to run fast for a long time. This is not an easy feat and takes long to be mastered. Another skill is distinguishing between the friend and the enemy. There are some signs that are used to tell them who the enemy is and the need to pursue and catch them.

All you need to do is to take the pet to the right authority and fill in a form indicating what you expect from the training. The trainer will then generate a timetable for the process and welcome you comment if there is need for adjustment. The time taken varies according to their desired output. It does not take too long, though.

Once the work is complete, the results will be thrilling. The professionals in Atlanta give competitive services that are hard to match anywhere else. The effect is long lasting. You are only required to put the dog in good use for it not to forget the lessons learnt. This is a worthwhile venture.

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