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dimanche 13 avril 2014

Important Details On Dog Training Atlanta

By Anita Ortega

For people seeking to teach dogs certain behaviors, it takes time and patience will be required. When considering dog training Atlanta residents have various essential tips. The fortunate thing is that dogs are fast learners and not too much effort will be required in getting them to learn the desired traits. The most important thing is to remain consistent and know how to treat the pets. All members of the family are supposed to use the same commands to avoid confusing the pet.

There are a number of ways of achieving consistency in training, one of which is to post commands at locations where all members of the family can clearly see them. Consistency however is more than just involving everybody in the process, it also involves rewards for desired behavior and no rewards for behavior that is undesired. For example, the pet could be required to sit prior to being fed or before petting him.

One should be cautious not to use positive reinforcement in an inadvertent way to reward undesired behavior. As an example, there are instances when the pet barks when they hear noises in the neighborhood. If they were to be left without being warned, this acts as a reward and they will develop the habit. It is important to remember that positive reinforcement will be effective only when used appropriately.

The period of time it takes for pets to learn some behaviors varies. There are those that will require more time than others. Shaping is the technique that is used in reducing the required time. Shaping involves reinforcing traits that are close to the desired response. This is followed by demanding more from the dog before he is treated. This form of reinforcement includes food treats, praise and petting.

Most pets are motivated by food treats, which is why these are the best tools to use. As much as possible, the treats chosen need to be enticing and not easy to resist. The best treats for the pet can be determined through experimenting with the different varieties. In addition, the treat needs to be small in size such that it is gulped by the dog, then they look forward to more of the same. A wide variety of food treats should be used to ensure the pets do not become bored.

Every time food treats are used, it should be coupled with verbal praise. If the pet is not motivated by food treats, toys, petting or brief play will be important. When new behavior is being learnt, the pet should be rewarded every time they do the right thing. This is what is known as positive reinforcement.

Once the desired traits have been grasped, one should switch to intermittent behavior. Nevertheless, the rewards and praises are continued, only on a limited basis. The animal is rewarded with treats with less frequency. The frequency reduces over time until it is occasional.

Pets can be trained by the individual or using professional trainers. Professionals will be more effective and will likely take less time. Further, the job will be accomplished as agreed.

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