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jeudi 10 avril 2014

Making The Right Choices For Puppies Temecula Litters

By Ladonna Chambers

When you have decided to get a new puppy, several factors are important to consider before choosing one. Making certain you take home a healthy pup ensures you and your family will not regret your choice. Getting a healthy animal will help you avoid the pain of watching a new pup die from illness you did not know was present when you chose him. Learn how to make the best choices for puppies Temecula litters.

Some breeds are predetermined before birth for genetic diseases. Learning if the breed you prefer has genetic issues can allow you to make the best choices. You want to make sure you will be able to deal with these kinds of genetic issues later on when your puppy grows into an adult dog.

Choosing a vet before you get a pup is another way you can ensure getting a health animal. This is especially true if you choose mixed breed pups from someone that does not breed dogs on a regular basis. If you choose a particular pure bred pup, making sure you choose a breeder that provides a written guarantee of health is important to keep in mind.

Visiting the home where a puppy was born and raised can help you learn a lot. If the area where pups are kept is dirty, you might rethink your choice. Dirty conditions could mean pups have not been cared for properly, allowing illness to occur more easily.

Skin conditions can be an indicator of poor health. Pups with dry, dull coats are generally not in good health. Ears with black residue from mites could be another sign pups are in poor health. Pups need to have clear eyes and shiny coats before you even consider talking one home.

Pups with shiny coats and bright, clear eyes are healthier than ones that have dull coats and discharging eyes. A dull coat is an indicator of several health problems. One is malnutrition. Pups that are raised with nutrient deficiencies can end being sick in the weeks after you take one home. Look also for a sturdy build and strong stance for knowing your pup has been growing properly.

When you visit a litter, pups that are energetic and playful is a good sign of good health. If pups are lethargic, illness could be the reason. Always choose a puppy that is happy and energized. Pups should have sound body structure, a sign of healthy growth. Bowed legs or turned in paws could mean serious health issues are present.

The puppies Temecula litter you choose needs to be one with happy and healthy pups. The person caring for a litter should have parents on site and not be worried about showing you the areas where pups play and sleep. Making the best choices for a healthy animal means you and your new pet can look forward to a longer time together.

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