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mardi 10 novembre 2015

With Natural Natural Treats For Dogs NY Pet Owners Will Do Their Pets A Favour

By Mattie Knight

Many studies have confirmed the fact that pets are beneficial to the psychological and even physical health of most people. Pets can help to teach children to take responsibility and pets can teach almost everyone a lot about unconditional love. This is especially true with canines. It is not surprising, therefore, that most people do everything they can to keep their pets happy and healthy. Luckily, when it comes to natural treats for dogs NY pet owners do not have to spend a fortune.

Snacks should never be given to pets indiscriminately. Many people tend to give their pets snacks in lieu of personal attention or exercise. Many others provide a never ending supply of snacks simply because they want to show just how much they love their pets. This can be dangerous, because the snacks can easily become the main source of food. This, in turn, can lead to poor health because the pet does not get a balanced diet.

There are numerous different ready made types of snacks on the market. Vets warn, however, that many of these snacks are harmful to the health of pets even if the pets seem to love them. Not only do they contain almost no nutrition but many types are mostly made of fats and sugars. There have been cases of popular brands banned because they contained preservatives that are dangerous.

Far too many owners of doggies think that their pets only like savoury snacks, preferably meat flavoured. This is certainly not the case. Most canines simply love fresh fruit and vegetables. Apples, carrots, cabbage in small amounts, sweet potatoes and green beans are all very popular. Chewing on fresh vegetables such as carrots not only serve as a healthy snack, but it also helps to keep the breath of the canine fresh.

Raw meat can also be an excellent snack, but it must be served in small portions. It is always important to remember that a snack is not a meal. It is simply a way to reward good behaviour and to augment the diet of the pet. Meat snacks should be lean with no fat and bones should be removed.

Eggs are excellent snacks for canines. They are high in protein and there is no dog on this earth that does not love an egg. It can be served scrambled, raw or even cooked. Eggs are excellent sources of protein. Experts warn, however, that doggies should not be given an egg more than once a week. More than one will expose them to cholesterol problems.

There are some snacks that should be avoided at all cost. Chocolate, alcohol and caffeine are all all extremely dangerous and should never be fed to any pet, especially canines. Garlic, grapes and onions can also be harmful. No canine, regardless of breed or size, should ever be given a snack containing fine bones.

It is only natural to want to spoil a pet. They add colour and love to the lives of their owners. However, pet owners that truly love their animals will not fall into the trap of giving their pets too many snacks or giving them snacks that are harmful to them, even if they happen to love it.

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