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samedi 28 novembre 2015

What Makes Someone Be One Of The Pitbull Breeders

By Marci Nielsen

Many people from different generation, young and old love to have pets. And the most favored and admired animals are the dogs. Their fluffy ears, sparkling eyes and cute little nose makes them really wonderful creature. There are many kinds and features of dogs. Some of them comes in many classifications like their colors and sizes.

Many people often prefer to reproduce more breed of dogs they have. Hence, the term pitbull breeders have become well known. But before someone can be a reputable and professional breeder, he or she needs to learn many important thing first. If you want to become one of them, then consider herein the following matters as your references.

Keep on researching for more additional information until you are fully aware of anything. Think about your dexterity and skills. Is it enough. Are you capable of handling numerous types of dogs. If your dogs are great and in good condition, then you sure to be a great breeder. In addition, make sure that they are healthy and their welfare are in great status.

Determine many medical records about them. They should have nice bloodlines and one way of knowing that is to let them undergone some test. Consider their temperament and how they act towards other people. If it seems that their behavior is really dangerous, never try to breed them because they are could be not appropriate to be a pet.

Always take them to the vet. A veterinarian help is really needed especially in checking their condition. Lean their medical history so you would know what to do about them. This is the most possible thing you will have to do to ensure that nothing bad will happen. Medicines and vaccines are also necessary and helpful at all times.

Planning on the breeding process is really tiring and stressful. Yet you need to ensure that the process will work successfully. Think of what you can do. Are you up to the natural method or the scientific way is better and more efficient. Have a plan and choose carefully the best option that is effective and suitable to your dogs and to you.

Preparing for the labor is another thing you have to do. Consider the use of a container. Make it big and spacious enough for them. Monitor their condition every now and then. If the puppies are fine, then you need to record the important details. This include the name, date and time birth and many more information you can find.

Take good care of the newborn. Watch them closely and very carefully so they wont get hurt. Take them to the vet in order to monitor their health condition. If there are serious problems, then do not hesitate to let it be treated. What matters most is their life, that is why yo need to protect them.

The last part is to sell them to the right people. Interview each of them and ask them the right questions. Also, be sure that you make the right contract. The new owner and you must make an agreement first before you sign a contract.

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