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dimanche 22 novembre 2015

For The Best Specialists In Dry Mouth Newfoundlands Is The Way To Go

By Brenda Warner

Dry mouth is a medical condition that is caused by a decrease in the production of saliva in the mouth. The condition is also referred to as xerostomia. In some instances, the patient may experience difficulties speaking or may not be able to speak at all. The condition may result in malnutrition, and if the situation is in severe stages, permanent throat and mouth disorders may result, which may cause impairment of quality of life. When in need of experts in dry mouth Newfoundlands is the place to go.

The prevalence level of the disease is relatively very high. It is approximated that it affects around ten percent of all people in the world. This percentage translates into several millions of people, looking at the current world population. It has also been proven that prevalence of xerostomia among women is higher than in women. Elderly people and individuals taking prescription and nonprescription medications are also affected more frequently.

Saliva has many important roles in the oral cavity, even though it is often taken for granted. First, it offers comfort and protection as a result of its lubricating properties. Oral tissues are protected from sores, ulcers, and effects that result from friction. It provides antibodies to fight bacteria and neutralizes acids. The solvent media that saliva provides is very important in the tasting of food people eat. Lastly, the first step of digestion starts inside the oral cavity by the action of saliva.

Xerostomia results from many different causes. However, in most cases experienced, it comes as a side effect from taking medications that inhibit or decrease saliva production. Some of the medications known to have this effect include blood pressure medications, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, antihistamines, diuretics, and antidepressants among others. Besides medications, other major causes are hormonal imbalance, diabetes, salivary gland disease, mouth breathing, sleep apnea, autoimmune, and radiation treatment for cancer tumors in heads and necks.

Dry mouth is associated with several signs and symptoms. Usually the patient starts having trouble eating, tasting food, swallowing, and speaking. The symptoms may be more revealed at nighttime. Dryness of oral cavity may sometimes lead to bad breath, persistent cough, dizziness, headaches, pale gums, dry eyes, white tongue, and cracked lips among others.

Diagnosis usually requires salivary glands to be inspected for for blockages. Measurement of saliva flow under stimulation and without stimulation is also done. No known method exists for preventing xerostomia. However, its effects can be highly managed. Chance of managing the effects are higher when the disease is noticed earlier.

Treatments for xerostomia are many and the choice of the method to use depends on various factors like personal preference of the patient. Major treatment options currently available are prevention of caries, yeast infection, saliva stimulation, and saliva substitution. Saliva substitution involves taking liquids that help in keeping the mouth wet. The liquids chosen should not have any alcohol content because that worsens the problem.

Saliva stimulation involves application of various methods that stimulate production of saliva. These could include chewing gum and use of lemon drops and various medications. Gums chewed should not have sugar in them while medications should be avoided by people with asthma and glaucoma.

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