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jeudi 26 novembre 2015

What One Must Understand About Equine Law

By Marci Nielsen

The law profession is wide and it has dedicated branches to handle various aspects in it. Equine law is one of the branches. In Dedham, MA, this branch is concerned with the horse industry in its entirety in addition to all matters and industries related to horses. Matters that relate to horses are many and very diverse and they include purchases, sales, transportation, leasing, and boarding among others.

Lawyers who specialize in this field have the responsibility of keeping all people such as owners, students, riders, and trainers from possible liability. Many people, especially those with little information about equines usually wonder if there is enough business in this field for a lawyer to make a decent salary. The answer is, yes. There are many people and business entities that deal in matters to do with equines, and they need legal representation from lawyers.

Many lawyers have shifted from other branches to specialize as equine lawyers. Many ambitious attorneys avoid this field because they do not think it is attractive enough. They opt for more common fields such as prosecution, judges, and corporate law. With that happening, the field that deals with horses is left with very little lawyers, which makes it even more attractive. Additionally, one can specialize in other fields if they want.

Clients in this subspecialty are many and diverse too. They can be individuals, partnerships, corporations, government agencies, or limited companies. The options are very many. While some clients are regular, other are usually one-time guests. Examples of one-time clients are grooms who intend to hire horses to be used at their weddings. Because there is a possibility of liability resulting even from a one day event, the groom must hire an attorney to handle the paperwork.

The responsibilities that attorneys have are several and they depend on the nature of the case. However, they are involved with drafting, reviewing, and negotiating contracts for use by professionals and non-professionals alike. Breeding, lease, boarding, purchase and labor agreements and liability waivers are examples of contracts handled. Horses are treated differently because they are special in many ways. They can simultaneously function as vehicles, athletes, source of food, and means of transport, which makes it necessary to handle them under a separate subfield.

Lawyers also offer assistance in other areas including insurance, tax, and immigration. People who get involved with horses are required to pay taxes to the government. In some cases, disputes may result, and it is the duty of the attorney to resolve them peacefully. Other disputes that need to be solved result from zoning and grazing.

Horses are placed under strict laws when it comes to migration. Before one can move a horse from one place or country to another, a lot of paperwork must first be drawn and filed. Insurance issues involved are also many and complicated. One can hire a lawyer on full-time basis or as a consultant.

The charges differ from one jurisdiction to another. The specifics of a particular case may also determine hose much the client is charged. However, certain caps are placed on fees to avoid exploitation of clients by professionals.

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