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dimanche 5 avril 2015

What To Know About Old English Bulldogs

By Iva Cannon

Numerous dog breeds are available in the modern day. People love having dogs as pets and companions. Old English Bulldogs refers to a breed of dog that once existed but is no extinct. It was at its prime during the 1800s. Today, there is the Olde English Bulldogge, which has the most similarities to the extinct purebred bulldog. These animals are available through breeders, pet stores and shelters around the globe, including in Tulsa, OK.

The Old English Bulldog was known for having a broad and muscular, though compact, body. Their average height was around 15 inches and most weight approximately 45 pounds. A notable characteristic of this dog was that its lower jaw protruded in front of the upper jaw, which gave it a strong grip. Historians believe that this breed was derived from war dogs of ancient times, such as old Alaunt or Mastiff breeds. Others are unsure of the origins of this breed.

Breeders worldwide are attempting to recreate this breed that is extinct. Many have become successful, although it is important to note that no recreation can be exactly like the original because genetics of that breed are extinct. Olde English Bulldogge, also referred to as Leavitt Bulldog, is the closest available to the original bulldog. These are more athletic and lighter. The purebred dog was more aggressive, which contrasts the friendly temperament of this modern bull breed.

Olde English Bulldogge, OEB, is considered part of a new American dog breed. David Leavitt is credited with spending the 1970s creating a healthier form of this bulldog. This is one of the closest recreations to the dog that was popular in the 1800s in England and is now extinct.

Leavitt crossed English Bulldogs with Bullmastiffs, Pit Bulls and American Bulldogs to create the Bulldogge. The result was an athletic breed that looks similar to the purebred animals of the 1800s. However, they are known for being more friendly and having other small differences. Leavitt changed the name for the breed to Leavitt Bulldog, although many still refer to these animals under the OEB name, which is also the name adopted by United Kennel Club in 2014.

These dogs are medium-sized with muscular builds. They are considered strong, fluid and agile, and balanced. Their large heads are proportionate to their prominent shoulders and muscular build. Many consider them to be great companions for pet owners and dog lovers alike. These animals also have the drive, temperament and agility to carry out different types of work. Overall, the OEB is considered confident, friendly and alert.

This animal is also known for being healthy. In fact, it is recognized as one of the healthiest modern bulldog breeds and is not believed to suffer with the same ailments as the traditional purebred versions. Still, every animal is different. People interested should do research to become well-informed about this breed.

Dog-baiting animals has been done for thousands of years, despite being outlawed. Although it is less common in the modern day, there are still people who abuse bull dog breeds by using them for dog fighting purposes. After all, this is the reason purebred bulldogs were originally created. The extinct bull breeds: Old English Bulldog, Toy Bulldog and Bullenbeisser. Recognized breeds that are still around: OEB, Alano Espanol, French Bulldog, Boxer, Bulldog and American Bulldog.

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