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mardi 21 avril 2015

Things To Know About When Considering Poodles For Sale

By Stella Gay

Many historians link the origin of poodle breed of dog to Germany. That fact is true, but its development into a breed of its own kind occurred in France. The initial purpose for its development was to hunt waterfowls. That goal has changed today and it is being used for more other functions, especially ornamental ones. It is a tough and hardy dog, although its current uses make it appear not like that.

Various water dogs were crossed to achieve this breed of dogs. Mostly the water dogs came from Spain, Russia, Germany, Hungary, France, and Portuguese. Some historians also link its origin to Northern parts of Africa. The increased popularity of the breed in modern societies has made it important to understand the canine prior to buying it. This writing accumulates knowledge on important facts about the dog for people considering poodles for sale.

When making a purchase, the size of the animal is of great importance because it determines amount of space allocated, food consumed, and general care required. Toy, miniature, and standard are the three major size categories the dog can be categorized into. One should be informed that size variation does not change the breed type. Also, there is a slight variation in size among the males and females.

A toy-sized animal weighs between 6 and 9 pounds, the miniature weighs 15 to 17 pounds while the standard weighs 45 to 70 pounds. Males and female in the standard category vary in weight with males weighing more. The coat color varies significantly and could be silver, brown, white, black, gray, cream, apricot, or a combination of the various colors.

Poodles never shed their coat, something that gives them a clear advantage over other species. People who are allergic to hair find this feature very important. The hair can be manipulated through trimming, grooming, clipping, and shaving because of its wiry, curly, and dense nature. Manipulation styled into the hair is normally restricted to given styles for dogs that are used for competition shows.

The first factor to consider prior to acquiring a poodle is the maintenance. Regular grooming is required at the intervals of three to six weeks. Some need a higher frequency of grooming for the coat to stay clean. One way of avoiding the high costs of grooming is to shave the coat low.

As said before, the hardy nature of poodles makes them capable of surviving in just any kind of home. That includes estates and apartments. Provided they are given plenty of human companion and regular exercise, they should cope up well. Toys and miniatures prefer the indoor company of the family. Their trainability and fast learning ability make them suitable home pets raised inside the house.

Teaching dogs bad unintended habits is very easy, so one should be cautious in this field. There are many professional trainers out there that one can hire or ask for guidance from. Training is a fundamental requirement that cannot be skipped if good dogs are needed.

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