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vendredi 10 avril 2015

Questions To Ask Regarding Aspirin For Dogs

By Robin Setser

If your dog is in pain, chances are that you will immediately look for any strategy to help reduce this, if not eliminate it entirely. For this reason, the subject of aspirin for dogs may be brought into discussion. After all, humans take aspirin when they are in some degree of discomfort; why shouldn't the same logic apply to dogs as well? With that said, though, here are some of the most important questions - as well as answers - related to this very topic.

"Is aspirin for dogs allowed to be used?" Assisi Animal Health, as well as other authorities, will tell you that dogs should not be given typical aspirin. Humans can take aspirin, of course, but the ways that our bodies handle drugs are worlds apart from how dogs do. The latter, for those who do not know, could suffer from more severe pain and even bleeding if this endeavor is taken up. The authorities in question will tell you that this isn't for the best, and understandably so.

"Can I learn more about aspirin elsewhere?" For those who are curious about learning more about aspirin, there are quite a few sources to take advantage of. In my view, the most effective would be your pet's veterinarian, since he or she has probably been asked about aspirin in the past. You'll be surprised by how you can learn by taking part in this endeavor. The Internet may also serve as a strong resource, though it's clear that some bits of information online will be more worthwhile than others.

"What pain reduction measures exist for dogs?" While aspirin does not come recommended for dogs, other pain reduction measures can be taken up in its place. Massages can prove to be quite useful, as specific joints and areas can be helped through regular motion. It's amazing to see how much a bit of physical therapy can help. The same can be said for small dietary changes; think about taking advantage of fish oil, as this will also help in the long term.

Aspirin for dogs is an important topic, especially for concerned pet owners who suffer from quite a bit of pain on a regular basis. Regardless of what the source of said pain might be, though, there are alternatives to take into account. It's just a matter of understanding what these entail, which will ultimately help to reduce pain in the long term. After obtaining this degree of information, it's almost a certainty that you'll be that much better of a pet owner.

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