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lundi 28 décembre 2015

What You Should Know About Dog Cone Collar

By Linda Wallace

There is a vast number of people who try to find dog supplies including cone collar online and some have more success than others. The main concerns when shopping online is the quality of the product and the price of the item. In most cases the people who are looking for supplies such as cone collar have had it recommended by a veterinary surgeon. This recommendation is usually after procedures such as the removal of sexual organs. These collars are ideal for using immediately after the procedure until the dog is a bit better.

At first when the dog has got the collar on he will be in a bit of pain due to the surgery. The dog cone collar tends to be worn for ten to fourteen days. The pain that they experience will vary as will the way that they express the pain. The ways that the pain is shown will vary depending on the personality of the dog.

Some dogs may just want to lie on their beds and will only move when they want something to eat or drink. Other dogs will try to interact in pretty much the same way as they would normally and then dance around the room when they realise that something is missing. Some dogs might also whine a bit especially during the first few days, however this is perfectly normal. One of the toughest things for a dog owner is having to wait whilst the dog recovers.

The surgical incision that has been made will be sealed using stitches. It is important to make sure that the stitches are not damaged and this is certainly important if the dog is prone to licker.

Licking at the wound is normal and its the dogs natural way of cleaning an area and easing the pain. Although this is natural this licking can actually cause irritation to the wound area and this can cause bacteria. If the dog is left on its own he will probably try and remove the stitches, which is dangerous and if this happens it will require immediately attention.

It is a bad thing if the dog manages to remove the stitches as this will mean that the vet will need to give him more anesthetic which is not something that is recommended. These special collars are a good way to prevent the dogs biting or chewing at the wound. These collars can be attached to the normal dog collar.

These collars will mean the dog is unable to reach its hind quarters and will therefore not be able to irritate the affected area.

These collars can be purchased in a range of different sizes and they can be purchased online or from the vet. In some cases it may be possible to get a cheaper one online but this will depend where you buy it from. It is fair to say that the dog will not be happy to be wearing one of the cone collar but it is something that is worth considering, as it can prevent problems with the affected area.

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