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mercredi 16 décembre 2015

Make Certain You Have A Happy Pet With The Help Of A Jacksonville FL Pet Grooming Service

By Maria Elena Zerna

The average pet owner loves their cat or dog as if they were family members. They take them to the veterinarian for preventative vaccinations and care when they are ill. Not all, however, realize the value of a complete grooming service. It is more involved than a bath and a fur trim. The nails should also be trimmed and the teeth brushed. At Jacksonville FL Pet Care Services attention is paid to skin care and eliminating fleas and ticks also.

Many dogs enjoy the grooming, especially the brushing. Nail clipping is not as popular. If the taste is appealing, tooth brushing is enjoyed. Cats like being petted, but grooming them requires patience. A bath is not to their liking.

Aesthetic concerns are not the only reason it is important to groom the fur. A trim makes a pet more comfortable in summer heat. Skin problems can be detected easier. It is easier to do the daily or weekly brushing at home when the fur is not matted.

Brushing is good for your pet in several ways. The blood supply to the skin is increased which keeps it healthy. A bond is formed by this relaxing time shared by pet and owner. If a person does not like spending time with a pet, he should not have bought one. Owning and taking care of a pet is a lifetime commitment.

The comprehensive grooming session includes grooming, skin care for sensitive skin and use of a gentle shampoo that smells good plus is nourishing to the skin. Fleas and ticks are noted and controlled. Nails need regular trimming and the teeth are brushed.

You will not have to worry about your pet being around another animal that has not been vaccinated. Each pet must be vaccinated at least two days prior to coming in for services. We attend to the appearance of your pet, and also his health and psychological well being.

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