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jeudi 17 décembre 2015

Dogs & How Assisi Animal Health Can Help Weight

By Robin Setser

If there's one thing that can said about dogs, it's that their weight matters. Obesity can play into negative health problems, which is all the more unfortunate when you consider that about half of all canines in the United States suffer from this. This isn't something that has to happen to your pet, though; you simply have to know how to manage their weight. In order to go about this in the most effective of ways, keep these talking points in mind.

If you're curious to know how to manage your dog's weight, understand what you're feeding him or her. Even though you might be inclined to give them a few scraps from the kitchen table during dinner, companies such as Assisi Animal Health can tell you that this can result in weight gain. Not everything is good for your pet, meaning that you have to stick to a stricter regimen. Suffice it to say, this is nothing short of worthwhile for your dog's wellbeing.

What about exercise, or lack thereof, as it pertains to your dog? It probably goes without saying, but your pet needs to stay active on a regular basis, whether it's letting them run around in the backyard or becoming engaged in a game of fetch. Your canine pet's health depends on activity, meaning that it'd be wrong to keep him or her locked inside of the house at all times. When it's a nice day out, take your dog out for a short walk.

These points of interest are especially noteworthy when you consider that dogs become older. When this happens, not only do they require fewer calories but they have less energy to spare as well. What this means is that you have to be mindful of the activity your pet gets involved in, especially when they become older. If you exercise care, as far as your pet's age is concerned, their quality of life is only going to increase from there.

These are just a few ways that you can manage your dog's weight, so that he or she can go on to live a healthier life. Sometimes it's all about exercise, and knowing how much your pet gets from day to day. Perhaps it's more of a case of diet, and the type of food your pet is being fed on a regular basis. Whatever the case may be, obesity can be prevented and knowing how to care for your beloved animals is nothing short of worthwhile.

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