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lundi 3 novembre 2014

Fun Activities For Your Dog

By Garrett McMahan

It can be a good idea if you offer a dog some fun activities and tricks because dogs love to play and also like to be given attention always. Each dog can be different though, such as in their physical strengths and also limitations and dogs also have different temperaments. Here are some fun suggestions for your dogs especially that you are looking for ways to keep him happy and healthy.

Dog training may not be a fun activity at all but is also a great way to spend some time with your dog, like if this dog is still a puppy or you have a new dog at home. You will get so many benefits with the right dog training, and you will enjoy your pet dog more if behavior is proper. Added to this, the dog training can be a great way that you will learn more about your dog's distinct personality. The dog training will build a strong bond between you and your pet dog, and during the training, your dog will even love you more because of the attention and being with you during this time.

There are dog training classes, or you can opt to get a dog training DVD like "The Dog's Way," and this if you are not sure how to go with the training. Training your pet in 12 easy lessons can be what you will get with this dog training DVD. Dog skills like learning to sit, stay, come when called, leash walking, no excessive barking, or your dog not darting out the front door are some of the helpful skills you can train your dog. The dog training will make it easy for you to keep up with training while you are walking your dog out because this is the proper dog training system that also comes with a workbook and also reminder cards.

Your dog needs exercise but dogs are different such that you need to know if the level of exercise fits him perfectly. There are dogs with more stamina than others and they enjoy more the long walks and also running, but others need the slower walks. This daily walk is good for you as well as your dog, but you have to sure also that your path fits the physical condition of your dog and also age.

Good playtimes at home are also activities that your dog will enjoy. Tugging on toys and chasing after balls or running after tossing their favorite stuffed toy are tricks and activities your dog will enjoy. A good time for play each day is good to be set aside for them. Playing "hide and seek" which is good for the body and brain can be good for them, and they also love to play chase. Toys in which you place a treat for them to work on retrieving the treat can be good for them, and these are the food puzzle toys that can be a fun activity for them. Other beneficial toys for dogs, although you need to make sure that these are safe, are the chew toys you can give.

For a healthy dog with a great deal of energy, you also could consider agility training or Frisbee play. Many cities and towns have agility clubs, agility classes and Frisbee dog clubs, and this can be a great way to provide fun exercise for your dog as well as getting out and meeting other dog owners. Proper dog training is a good prerequisite for your dog, and it is always wise to discuss your pet's health with a veterinarian before starting a rigorous exercise program.

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