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mercredi 19 novembre 2014

Evaluating Your Cat's Most Common Behaviors With Assisi Animal Health

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

No one can argue with the fact that cats have certain behaviors they engage in. While there are some that we can understand, from a basic standpoint, others may leave us scratching our heads. We may wonder why this is and, without the right research, we will be left with few answers. In order to better understand that most common behaviors of arts are, these are a few points for Assisi Animal Health to bring to your attention, as well as those of others.

One of the first actions, of cats, that should come to mind is scratching. Cats may scratch anything that they can get their paws on, whether it's furniture in the living room, doors, or what have you. However, the main reasons why cats scratch is to work off the energy that they have to built up over time or mark their territory. In order to reduce scratches made on valuable items, pet owners should make it a point to pick up a few scratching posts that their cats can focus on instead.

Meowing, as you can imagine, is another common activity that cats go about for different reasons. When they are younger, meowing will be done in order to communicate - for the most part, at least - feelings of discomfort or hunger. When cats become older, though, meowing will have a broader range of commands. It's possible that constant meowing can be a sign of health problems, which is a point that Assisi Animal Health will be able to cover with expertise.

When you see that you cat is more activity during the night, you should be able to consult Assisi Animal Health. Fortunately, there are many solutions that authorities the likes of Assisi will be able to tell you about, one of them being the usage of playtime shortly before bed. Make sure that you play with your cat for an extensive period of time prior to sleep, since this will tire out your cat easier. What this will do is result in an easier sleep schedule for both of you.

While there are many actions that cats can engage in, it seems like these are some of the most common. Make sure that you recognize any irregularities in your cat's behavioral pattern, since it's because of these that health concerns can be brought to the forefront. As you can see, it's more than just for education purposes that you should understand the actions of cats. You may be able to help your cat's well-being if this level of understanding is brought to the forefront.

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