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mardi 11 novembre 2014

Crazy Cat Lady Living In The United States

By Christa Jarvis

Georgia residents have all heard about the strange woman who was living in Waverly, Hall. She had earned the title of a crazy cat lady who was truly out of her mind. Every animal around knew that they could receive food and shelter from her once they ventured onto her property. She really adored felines out of every species which existed.

Her spouse had been gone for decades and life at her house was very dull and repetitive. Each and every day this woman would find herself doing the same thing over and over again. She thought that the people at her church would take pity upon her and invite her to social events. Sadly she knew that they would never accept her since she was not their type. Everyone gave her a cold stare whenever she attended this religious place.

It was very fortunate that her preacher and his wife witnessed her plight and they decided to help her out. She received a verbal invitation from this holy man after church services had ended. He informed her that his wife was preparing a lovely dinner which would indeed make her mouth water. When the conversation was over she quickly headed towards her house to change clothes. Earlier that week she had purchase a new dress from the department store and was anxious to wear it.

She was immediately invited into their home and this was a wonderful place to view. The pastor's wife had everything decorated so lovely and the house itself was quite large. This new trio sat down to a delightful meal which included steak and potatoes. The younger female left the dining room once the entire meal was finished.

The younger woman returned to the room with a kitten wrapped up in a blanket. This was indeed a precious gift for the older lonely woman. The old gal accepted the feline and embraced her female host. After all of this time she was now going to have a feline of her own and this was a good thing. All of her dreams had finally come true.

The dinner had gone well and she now had a companion to be with for a long period of time. It had indeed been a good night. A few months later her and this feline had become close friends. During the winter this woman even made special clothing for her new animal. She also purchased a small crib for her kitten to sleep in during the night hours.

This was one strange couple who had become true pals and they seemed to fully understand one another. The animal was not afraid of water which is very odd for a feline. He was able to obtain a bath every day of the week and he truly loved cologne.

The older female considered him to be her one and only child since she did not have any biological children. After she died of a massive heart attack her feline passed away two days later.

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